AAAI is pleased to present the AAAI-22 Workshop Program. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), (impact factor: 3.089), accepted. CS Conference Deadlines - Yanlin The third AAAI Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence (PPAI-22) builds on the success of previous years PPAI-20 and PPAI-21 to provide a platform for researchers, AI practitioners, and policymakers to discuss technical and societal issues and present solutions related to privacy in AI applications. Neural Networks, (impact factor: 8.05), accepted. In particular, we encourage papers covering late-breaking results and work-in-progress research. To view them in conference website timezones, click on them. Methods for learning network architecture during training, including Incrementally building neural networks during training, new performance benchmarks for the above. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. : Papers must be in PDF format, and formatted according to the new Standard ACM Conference Proceedings Template. The 21st IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2021), (Acceptance Rate: 9.9%), accepted. Papers will be peer-reviewed and selected for oral and/or poster presentations at the workshop. Games provide an abstract and formal model of environments in which multiple agents interact: each player has a well-defined goal and rules to describe the effects of interactions among the players. Xiaojie Guo and Liang Zhao. Apr 11-14, 2022. PDF suitable for ArXiv repository (4 to 8 pages). and Simone Stumpf (Univ. Data mining systems and platforms, and their efficiency, scalability, security and privacy. Junxiang Wang, Liang Zhao, Yanfang Ye, and Yuji Zhang. The current research in this area is focused on extending existing ML algorithms as well as network science measures to these complex structures. Submissions introducing interesting experimental phenomena and open problems of optimal transport and structured data modeling are welcome as well. The availability of massive amounts of data, coupled with high-performance cloud computing platforms, has driven significant progress in artificial intelligence and, in particular, machine learning and optimization. The accepted papers are allowed to be submitted to other conference venues. The 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2019), (acceptance rate: 20%), accepted, Kyoto, Japan. The final schedule will be available in November. Extended abstract up to 2 pages are also welcome. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Acronyms, i.e., short forms of long phrases, are common in scientific writing. We will accept both original papers up to 8 pages in length (including references) as well as position papers and papers covering work in progress up to 4 pages in length (not including references).Submission will be through Easychair at the AAAI-22 Workshop AI4DO submission site, Professor Bistra Dilkina (, USC and Dr. Segev Wasserkrug, (, IBM Research, Prof. Andrea Lodi (, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute IIT and Dr. Dharmashankar Subrmanian (, IBM Research. We allow both short (2-4 pages) and long papers (6-8 pages) papers. Short or position papers of up to 4 pages are also welcome. For authors who do not wish their papers to be posted online, please mention this in the workshop submission. The main goal of the dialog system technology challenge (DSTC) workshop is to share the result of five main tracks of the tenth dialog system technology challenge (DSTC10). convolutional neural network (CNN), recurrent neural network (RNN), etc.) In other words, many existing FL solutions are still exposed to various security and privacy threats. We cordially welcome researchers, practitioners, and students from academia and industry who are interested in understanding and discussing how data scarcity and bias can be addressed in AI to participate. It does not store any personal data. How to do good research, Get it published in SIGKDD and get it cited! Adaptive Kernel Graph Neural Network. Ting Hua, Feng Chen, Liang Zhao, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. "The EMBERS architecture for streaming predictive analytics." July 21: Clarified that the workshop this year will be held in-person. Xiaojie Guo, Amir Alipour-Fanid, Lingfei Wu, Hemant Purohit, Xiang Chen, Kai Zeng and Liang Zhao. It is also central for tackling decision-making problems such as reinforcement learning, policy or experimental design. SIGMOD 2022 adheres to the ACM Policy Against Harassment. LOG 2022 LOG '22 . Self-supervised learning (SSL) has shown great promise in problems involving natural language and vision modalities. 1059-1072, May 1 2017. The workshop on Robust Artificial Intelligence System Assurance (RAISA) will focus on research, development and application of robust artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems. Realizing the vision of Document Intelligence remains a research challenge that requires a multi-disciplinary perspective spanning not only natural language processing and understanding, but also computer vision, layout understanding, knowledge representation and reasoning, data mining, knowledge discovery, information retrieval, and more all of which have been profoundly impacted and advanced by deep learning in the last few years. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In the coronavirus era, requiring many schools to move to online learning, the ability to give feedback at scale could provide needed support to teachers. Self-Paced Robust Learning for Leveraging Clean Labels in Noisy Data. Videos have become an omnipresent source of knowledge: courses, presentations, conferences, documentaries, live streams, meeting recordings, vlogs. Because of the time needed to complete the formalities for entering Canada and Quebec, the admission period for international applicants ends several weeks before the session begins. The workshop aims at bridging formalisms for learning and reasoning such as neural and symbolic approaches, probabilistic programming, differentiable programming, Statistical Relation Learning and using non-differentiable optimization in deep models. Zhiqian Chen, Fanglan Chen, Lei Zhang, Taoran Ji, Kaiqun Fu, Liang Zhao, Feng Chen, Lingfei Wu, Charu Aggarwal, and Chang-Tien Lu. Theoretical or empirical studies focusing on understanding why self-supervision methods work for speech and audio. The goal of this workshop is to connect researchers in self-supervision inside and outside the speech and audio fields to discuss cutting-edge technology, inspire ideas and collaborations, and drive the research frontier. We invite submissions of technical papers up to 7 pages excluding references and appendices. Submit to: Papers are required to submit to: After the submission deadline, the names and order of authors cannot be changed. The 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2019), long paper, (acceptance rate: 19.4%), Beijing, China, accepted. Novel AI-enabled generative models for system design and manufacturing. KDD 2022. The official dates for submitting an application are detailed below, but see the exact deadline posted on the Description Page for the program of study. Yuyang Gao, Tong Sun, Rishab Bhatt, Dazhou Yu, Sungsoo Hong, and Liang Zhao. Make sure your desired study programs are open for admission in the session when you would like to start your studies. RES: A Robust Framework for Guiding Visual Explanation. Position papers (4 pages in length for main content + 2 pages for references in AAAI format): we are seeking position papers that advocate for a particular approach or set of approaches, or present an overview of a promising relevant research area. Dynamic Tracking and Relative Ranking of Airport Threats from News and Social Media. This year the AICS emphasis will be on practical considerations in the real world when deploying AI systems for security with a special focus on convergence of AI and cyber-security in the biomedical field. Submissions are due by 12 November 2021. In general, AI techniques are still not widely adopted in the real world. Algorithms and theories for trustworthy AI models. 1, Sec. Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), (impact factor: 2.936), accepted. Workshop registration is available to AAAI-22 technical registrants at a discounted rate, or separately to workshop only registrants. It is difficult to expose false claims before they create a lot of damage. Functional Connectivity Prediction with Deep Learning for Graph Transformation. All submissions must be original contributions and will be peer reviewed, single-blinded. Geographical Mapping and Visual Analytics for Health Data, Biomedical Ontologies, Terminologies, and Standards, Bayesian Networks and Reasoning under Uncertainty, Temporal and Spatial Representation and Reasoning, Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence, Risk Assessment, Trust, Ethics, Privacy, and Security, Computational Behavioral/Cognitive Modeling, Health Intervention Design, Modeling and Evaluation, Applications in Epidemiology and Surveillance (e.g., Bioterrorism, Participatory Surveillance, Syndromic Surveillance, Population Screening), Hybrid methods, combining data driven and predictive forward models, biomedical signal analysis/modeling (EEG, ECG, PPG, EMG, fMRI, IMU, medical/clinical data, etc. Incomplete Label Uncertainty Estimation for Petition Victory Prediction with Dynamic Features. Previous healthcare-related workshops focus on how to develop AI methods to improve the accuracy and efficiency of clinical decision-making, including diagnosis, treatment, triage. Deadline: AI4science NASSMA 2022 2022 AI4science NASSMA 2022 '22 . Long Beach, California, USA . Visualization is an integral part of data science, and essential to enable sophisticated analysis of data. Liang Zhao, Jieping Ye, Feng Chen, Chang-Tien Lu, Naren Ramakrishnan. Lingfei Wu, Ian En-Hsu Yen, Siyu Huo, Liang Zhao, Kun Xu, Liang Ma, Shouling Ji and Charu Aggarwal. This date takes priority over those shown below and could be extended for some programs. ML4OR is a one-day workshop consisting of a mix of events: multiple invited talks by recognized speakers from both OR and ML covering central theoretical, algorithmic, and practical challenges at this intersection; a number of technical sessions where researchers briefly present their accepted papers; a virtual poster session for accepted papers and abstracts; a panel discussion with speakers from academia and industry focusing on the state of the field and promising avenues for future research; an educational session on best practices for incorporating ML in advanced OR courses including open software and data, learning outcomes, etc. New theory and fundamentals of AI-aided design and manufacturing. Semantic understanding of business documents. The workshop combines several disciplines, including ML, software engineering (with emphasis on quality), security, and game theory. Yuyang Gao, Tong Sun, Sungsoo Hong, and Liang Zhao. Submissions are limited to a maximum of four (4) pages, including all content and references, and must be in PDF format. KDD 2022 Reveals Schedule of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Papers 2022. Finally, there is an increasing interest in AI in moving beyond traditional supervised learning approaches towards learning causal models, which can support the identification of targeted behavioral interventions. However, ML systems may be non-deterministic; they may re-use high-quality implementations of ML algorithms; and, the semantics of models they produce may be incomprehensible. Novel algorithmic solutions to causal inference or discovery problems using information-theoretic tools or assumptions. Characterization of fundamental limits of causal quantities using information theory. This workshop seeks to explore new ideas on AI safety with particular focus on addressing the following questions: Contributions are sought in (but are not limited to) the following topics: To deliver a truly memorable event, we will follow a highly interactive format that will include invited talks and thematic sessions. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. All submissions must be anonymous and conform to AAAI standards for double-blind review. A primary reason for this is the inherent long-tailed nature of our world, and the need for algorithms to be trained with large amounts of data that includes as many rare events as possible. Computer Science and Engineering, INESC-ID, IST Ulisboa, Lisbon, Portugal currently at Sorbonne University, Paris, France, Prashan Madumal (Science and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, Mark T. Keane (School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, David W. Aha (Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA, Adam Johns (Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA USA), Tathagata Chakraborti (IBM Research AI, Cambridge, MA USA), Kim Baraka (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands), Isaac Lage (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA USA), David Martens (University of Antwerp, Belgium), Mohamed Chetouani (Sorbonne Universit, Paris, France), Peter Flach (University of Bristol, United Kingdom), Kacper Sokol (University of Bristol, United Kingdom), Ofra Amir (Technion, Haifa, Israel), Dimitrios Letsios (Kings College London, London, United Kingdom), Supplemental workshop site: We send a public call and we assume the workshop will be of interest to many AAAI main conference audiences; we expect 50 participants. However, the use of rich data sets also raises significant privacy concerns: They often reveal personal sensitive information that can be exploited, without the knowledge and/or consent of the involved individuals, for various purposes including monitoring, discrimination, and illegal activities. Metagraph Aggregated Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Illicit Traded Product Identification in Underground Market. Invited speakers, committee members, authors of the research paper, and the participants of the shared task are invited to attend. In addition, several invited speakers with distinguished professional background will give talks related the frontier topics of GNN. Multi-instance Domain Adaptation for Vaccine Adverse Event Detection.27th International Optimal transport-based analysis of structured data, such as networks, meshes, sequences, and so on; The applications of optimal transport in molecule analysis, network analysis, natural language processing, computer vision, and bioinformatics. Deadline: FSE 2023. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), (impact factor: 10.28), accepted. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (Impact Factor: 24.31), accepted. What are the primary lessons learned from the model failures? This workshop aims to discuss important topics about adversarial ML to deepen our understanding of ML models in adversarial environments and build reliable ML systems in the real world. Manuscripts must be submitted as PDF files viaEasyChair online submission system. In addition, any other work on dialog research is welcome to the general technical track. : Papers are submitted through the CMT portal for this workshop: Please select the track for your submission in Primary Subject Area and indicate if your submission is a full paper or an extended abstract in Secondary Subject Area. You may file an application just the same, but Universit de Montral cannot guarantee that it will respond quickly enough for you to be able to complete all the formalities required to study in Quebec. [Best Paper Award]. SDU is expected to host 50-60 attendees. Full (8 pages) and short (4 pages, work in progress) papers, AAAI style. Liang Zhao. December 2020, July 21: Clarified that the workshop this year will be held, June 20: Paper notification is now extended to, Paper reviews are underway! 20, 2022: We have announced Call for Nominations: , Jan. 25, 2022: Sponsorship Opportunities is available at, Jan. 6, 2022: Call for KDD Cup Proposals is available at, Dec. 26, 2021: Call for Workshop Proposals is available at, Dec. 26, 2021: Call for Tutorials is available at, Nov. 24, 2021: Those who are interested in serving as a PC, please feel free to fill in this, Nov. 12, 2021: Call for Research Track Papers is available at, Nov. 12, 2021: Call for Applied Data Science Track Papers is available at. AI for infrastructure management and congestion. Yiming Zhang, Yujie Fan, Yanfang Ye, Liang Zhao, Jiabin Wang, and Qi Xiong.