It is not always possible to know who has the virus, so it is essential to discuss with new sex partners and perhaps get tested beforehand. There are currently two such hyperbaric ozone machines on the market: the Zotzmann Ozon 2000 and the Herrmann Hyper Medozon comfort. However, comparatively cheaper options are also available. Please note after 3 treatments i got really sick for about 3-4 days but after that i felt amazing. This advanced ozone generator combines positive (hyperbaric) and negative (vacuum) pressure with a closed-circuit or closed-loop autohemotherapy system to: Withdraw 200 cc of blood slowly by vacuum Buying an Ozone Generator for Ozone Therapy at Home The Ultimate Guide (2020), Promolife Dual Cell Ozone Generator Review, Promolife Rectal Insufflation Package Review, Best Ozone Generator for Ozone Therapy at Home (2022), Breathing Ozonated Olive Oil (BOOO) Successes. If there is amalgam, it should show. An environment of low oxygen (or hypoxic) state can create acidic, pathogen-ridden conditions . But assumed that the veins and everything else is not an issue, then in the end, it is really about what one responds to the best. Hi Pete, During the treatment, the patient is given an anticoagulant, mostly heparin, to prevent blood from clotting. I truly believe, and experience has shown me to be correct many times that mega doses of ozone have the power to stop the progression and . It can also cause genital herpes through oral sex.Herpes simplex type 2 is the virus responsible for most genital herpes cases. The machines can only be acquired by medical professionals who need to be instructed by a technician. A body that is healthy and performs well will outperform any drug. Simply stated, Medical Ozone is a healer when applied to the human body in a safe, effective manner. You look. Including Adaptogen herbs, like Ashwagandha and Lepidium Meyenii. Functional medicine involves looking at each patient holistically and taking a systems-oriented approach which allows practitioners and patients to collaborate on addressing the underlying causes of their disease, ailments, or symptoms. The advice is to never remove or cut out any part of your body. Then, this extracted blood is mixed in a sterile glass bottle with ozone gas and subsequently infused back to the patients body hyper barically . The body knows how to cure the cancer. Thank you for sharing. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Once the blood is under positive pressure, ozone is added. I need a doctor who practices this method with good results for multi sclerosis. It is possible that the body aches you experienced after the 10 pass are due to heparin. This pressure protects the red blood cells from damage. Taking into consideration the amount or percentage of the amino acids Arginine and Lysine in each recommended recipe. Example of a Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy (10-Pass) Procedure I now understand why so many told me to see him. How is the 10 pass ozone treatment performed? Human herpesviruses are a family of pathogens that play an outsized role in inflicting pain and misery on people everywhere.Herpes simplex type 1 is responsible for oral herpes, or cold sores. Please I would like to know. Ozone is a natural gas that contains three oxygen atoms (O3), as opposed to normal oxygen with two atoms (02). Medical-grade ozone is produced by applying an electric discharge to oxygen. Join our mailing list to learn about new blog posts and videos. Before the blisters appear, those who are infected will feel a tingling, itching, and burning sensation. In 10 pass ozone, this drawing and re-infusing of ozonated blood are repeated 10 times. I noticed that as good as no ozone practitioner informs his or her patients about them. It is a safety mechanism to prevent that gas is being pumped under pressure into the vein during re-infusion. Heparin can lead to nosebleeds, brown urine, and in some cases to uncontrolled bleeding and death. Are you interested in the 10 pass ozone treatment? . In this video the hyperbaric application of ozone is presented on the Zotzmann Ozon 2000. Does Dr. Lahodny use Herrmann machine for his ozone high dose therapy? One more commonly talked about the procedure for ozone therapy is10 Pass Ozone Therapywhich aids in the treatment of herpes. Only hyperbaric machines require that. Another approach is to give patients one OHT per week for 10 weeks. Austrian gynecologist Dr. Johann Lahodny is the creator of the OHT/10 pass method. Ozone is being used successfully in more than 50 countries and for around more than 70 years to treat various health conditions including herpes. Ozone therapy is used by doctors and sports teams across the globe to treat illness and injury. Loved the clarity and equal balance of opposing thoughts on treatment. And the amount of heparin administered during 10 pass is excessive, it's 20,000 units. What are the advantages of the 10 pass ozone treatment? Do you know if any has been cured , specifically got rid off the clog in the vein with Ozone therapy? Thank you and anxiously awaiting your reply. It is therefore common for infected patients to experience depression, anger, or other emotional problems. For some, two 10-pass treatments per week for up to 10 weeks are needed to get the infection under control, followed by a much more relaxed pace of maintenance treatments. I was wondering if the high dose of ozonotherapy cloul help him. The infection is usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2 , but can sometimes be caused by type 1 , which more commonly affects the mouth and lips. Approximately one out of six people between the ages of 14-49 years in the U.S. have genital HSV-2 infection. This is done as 10 Pass Ozone therapy for Lyme works by selectively killing only the affected cells. What makes this possible is the pressurizing of the blood in special hyperbaric bottles that . Download the FREE Definitive Guide to Getting Started with Ozone Therapy - Click here. The ozone is a potent antioxidant, that destroys the herpes virus by rupturing its viral capsid and disrupting its reproductive cycle. Ask me! You actually fixed me! Update 2019: this appears to be wrong, see this video I made on the topic. Some side effects that you should look out for include: LIVV is a health & wellness clinic that specializes in advanced therapies. Specific therapeutic applications of ozone therapy include the treatment of circulatory problems, viral diseases, ulcers, AIDS, certain forms of cancer, burns, wounds, scars, gangrene and liver disease. Afterwards, the blood is reinserted into the patient using positive pressure. When it comes to herpes, ozone therapy can potentially eradicate the virus from the body, allowing you to live free from the fear of outbreaks and embarrassing moments. It has been recognized that HSV-1 herpes infection can be transmitted to the genital area via oral sex. . Thanks. Its ozone chamber is an aluminum oxide and quartz glass construction which satisfies the most stringent German medical regulations. They feel embarrassed, ashamed and beside themselves because the diagnosing doctor usually tells them there is nothing you can do about it its for life. Asymptomatic patients can still transmit the virus, although the chances of doing so are higher if they have open sores. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Im just wondering..I have a relative who just had colon cancer operation, and is now continuing with the chemo sessions. We also suggest that those patients who have been diagnosed with certain conditions speak to their doctor before proceeding with the medical use of ozone, to ensure it fits well into their overall treatment plan. I was perfectly treated since three years up to last month when I had an anaphylactic reaction. The 10 Pass method is roughly equal to 10 hyperbaric administrations of Major Autohemotherapy, but at a higher ozone concentration. I have an educated doctor, and he ran the tests. If you search for ozone therapy + [your area], you will probably receive some results of practitioners who offer this near you. I own several ozone generators including a German hyperbaric 10 Pass machine. Occasionally, the patients blood results in full oxygen saturation before all 10 passes are over. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , approximately 776,000 people3 develop new genital herpes infections nationwide, while the World Health Organization estimates that around 4 billion people7 are infected worldwide. What exactly happened? or even high dose of no more than 500 ml of o3. Our Medical Director's Ozone Therapy Certification. 10 pass ozone therapy is safe but must be conducted by a qualified physician using the right equipment. It can treat Lyme disease, shingles, recurrent herpes simplex, influenza and pneumonia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , approximately 776,000 people3 develop new genital herpes infections nationwide, while the World Health Organization estimates that around 4 billion people7 are infected worldwide. According to the American Regenerative Clinic, Ozone Therapy as it is an effective treatment for viral infections and diseases, particularly Lyme. Typically ozone therapy is performed by drawing up 250ml of blood into an IV bag, and infusing 70gamma of ozone & heparin (to prevent blood clots). This therapy also ensures that the current status of important electrolytes and other micro-nutrients is maintained in the patients body. I am a very new Ozone practitioner. The infection is life-long and often goes unrecognized because the infection is often subclinical and asymptomatic. On the other hand, HSV-1 increases the risk of acquiring other types of infection because of a weakened immune system. Then well explore the possibility of using ozone therapy for herpes. You only use the vacuum to faciliate the blood draw, it has nothing to do with the ozone treatment itself. What that means is that using Ozone can make almost every part of your body more durable, higher functioning, and less prone to potential future . Medical O(3) is used to disinfect and treat disease. I am scheduled for my first 10 Pass treatment this Wednesday, 1/17/18. In this procedure, pressure is used to protect the red blood cells from damage and also collapse until re-infusion is done. 200ml of blood is drawn from the patient and mixed with an equal amount of ozone, effectively killing any microbes. Amato, G., L'ozono-terapia e il blocco del sistema nervosa simpatico nella terapia dell'Herpes Zoster: nostra esperienza. There are actually two different types of the herpes simplex virus. It used to treat a variety of chronic disease including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, chronic hepatitis, herpes, chronic fatigue states, chemical sensitivity, macular degeneration, chronic bladder conditions, colitis, auto-immune diseases, and Crohn's disease. Because ozone is a potent antioxidant, it destroys the virus that causes herpes. It has a more modern look and a built-in photometer but has shown to nevertheless produce less reliable ozone concentrations than its competitor model {Update August 2018: NOT CORRECT!! I have a 20 years old son with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. One of the most popular them isautohemotherapy. The total ozone dosage supplied is an astounding 10 x 70 g/ml x 200 ml = 140,000 g (= mcg = micrograms) or 140 mg. Dr Shallenberger, who is one of the worlds authoritiers on IV Ozone therapy discusses 10 pass and the benefits of Ozone Therapy in this amazing podcast! She only did gentle swishing[s]. Taking drugs to treat symptoms only trains your body to rely on a temporary forced chemical reaction.It makes sense to use systemic ozone therapy as a treatment for herpes because ozone therapy doesnt force your body to do anything. I will definately keep an eye on your posts. I awoke this morning and felt like I had an alcohol { I do not drink alcohol due to a detox diet] hangover and my whole body ached. Yes, there are a few doctors who do the 10 Pass in Germany. Its not a home application. Then join the Facebook group The Ozone Group to find out about doctors and their prices. Stay tuned :-). Those can create both negative (vacuum) and positive (hyperbaric) pressure. My website is There are multiple forms of ozone therapy, but systemic treatments are generally the kind of ozone therapy used for herpes. I'm pinning all my hopes for you. Dr. Arul says the recovery rate of his patients go up to 80-90% and some of them show amazing response in just three sessions while for other upto 15 may be required. Or you could switch to an intravenous form or ozone therapy which does not include heparin, like DIV or ozoanted saline IV, to exclude the heparin factor and observe how you react to that. . You need to join the Facebook group Ozone to Health. Research has shown that ozone therapy can help treat infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa. One 10 pass treatment can cure many ailments without a need for extended treatments. I don't know of any therapy, neither alternative nor conventional which can give you a 100% guarantee that it will work, if that is what you are looking for. At least 50 million people in the U.S. alone are infected. Ozone is able to benefit so many different kinds of people with different health issues for a number of reasons that we talk about deeper in our Free Ozone Guide, but the main reason is because Ozone can stimulate anti-oxidant production in your body.