On the positive end, the material is easy to learn due to diagrams and other illustrations. I really like the interactive features because practicing code right after learning makes it solidify in my memory. It allowed me to keep on track with my work through practice problems and participation throughout the entire course. zyBooks has a portfolio of course content featuring interactive exercises and animations. One of the best designed textbooks (electronic or paper) I have ever used! The format is a huge improvement on typical online textbooks. I have mostly worked out the code, except for a persistent whitespace issue. Zybook is amazing! The animations are very helpful, and I like that everything relates to something in real life so I truly know that learning this will be useful in my every day life. Sometimes complicated, but overall informative. You also never talked about memory and underlying representation. In my opinion, Zybooks puts big name textbook manufacturers to shame. I think the challenge problems are a bit confusing. Becoming the bad guy. the only thing wrong with it per se is often my Professor would assign homework due on Friday nights and not Sundays. I would, however, recommend reviewing the order of information. I appreciated the exercises, drills, etc. I think Zybooks is really great. I like zybooks, I enjoy the interactive aspect of it, and the fact that it helps me understand concepts and it is something I can easily go back to. When I had strange questions / issues about the material and submitted feedback, zyBooks ALWAYS responded. However, in some cases, I feel that with larger coding assignments, zybooks makes life harder for me. The interactive parts help me understand the material the most. Quite intuitive and useful for my learning in that each lesson was comprehensive and interesting. Zybooks is definitely on the mark when it comes to helping students understand the materials. We hear this from community colleges, 4-year teaching or research universities, top-10 schools, and more. I believe that zyBooks is the best way to learn, because it is an interactive textbook. During studying computer architecture, I always crave to know the exact flow of the computer(with animation or sth). Great learning and practice material. We have providedcourseware to1.1 million students at over 1200 academic institutions,and were growing fast. One thing I'd improve would be saving the work done on some of the examples upon completing. Easy to learn with visuals but not so much with a lot of text. Only show 1000 responses, even though we had several thousand more. zyBooks Unit 3.pdf - 3.1 While loops While loop: Basics The material takes a bit to understand, and the question at the bottom is harder and different from what was taught at the top. The mix of participation and challenge questions really help with learning material. I think its a better alternative to online classes since it explains things relatively concisely however, i prefer actual classes. I love it! It was very fun and easy to use for learning the more complete parts of C++ but I still had a lot of fun. doing assignments on zybooks are interesting. I loved the interactive exercises in the textbook, it made it really easy to learn the material. One sees among the relatively-few complaints that our system is picky when grading a programs output formatting. Only good for learning when its a supplement to actual lecture on the material. I think the financial team should rethink it's margins and what they profit. Argentina. Good usefull program that helps with making sure assignments are actually ready for submission. It's very useful and helpful to define one's errors in the work and the explanation afterwards helps a lot to know why it was wrong and a lot of activities to help one going. I start losing focus. I thought it was a good way to further learn the material that the professor has presented. zyBooks was helpful in reviewing or getting ahead in the class. In one case - I had completed a program as specified by our teacher, and when I put it through the tests it failed 0/9. Very easy to use and the problems provided in the textbook help me practice and understand the material better! very useful for more in-depth explanations. Being able to make notes directly on the labs would be beneficial to studying for exams. The interactive activities are helpful for learning. It implies a certain steps which make it more difficult to understand why a step has taken place. I definitely love the layout of Zybooks, it makes it easier to learn and understand a concept on your own. I actually enjoyed most of the zybooks activities, challenges, and explanations. Zybooks modules enhanced my learning and understanding. However sometimes even if youve done it incorrectly in the activities it doesnt tell you. I am used to in-class assignments and online assignment messed with me. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It explains material well and I like the exercises that help you understand the material as you go along. We show 1000 responses dont try to read them all (thats too many), but rather we encourage you to jump around. My class used zyBooks for previewing the materials before the lecture. It was so helpful having learning activities right under the information to enforce it. I enjoy the interactive aspect of the site that is not paralleled in any regular physical textbook. I love the participation and other activities. Very interactive and helped me learn the fundamentals of Java programming. This is the zyBooks company profile. Zybooks brings a different perspective and different approaches to learning the material outside the classroom. It was much more engaging and I learned a lot faster with the zybooks this semester. It is very easy to understand and the examples made the code stick. Zybooks is very accessible and I like that all of my material is in one place. specially with our current situation at the moment! zyBooks is very helpful and makes things seem easier than than it is. Philip Papadopoulos, UC San Diego. Really cool program. It's written way better than my standard textbook. I do like having zyBooks as part of my coursework. I have found it very helpful in my courses. I thought it was helpful, the labs and challenge activities did not provide any problems in functionality. However, I think there may be some parts of the book that could be rewritten to make it more engaging to the reader. I relied on using the textbook to learn rather than the lectures. The formatting of the material in a more portrait page layout similar to textbooks does not work well on computer monitors. I really like the way one can visualize the processes instead of looking at static images. I found that the compiler was "pickier" than the compiler I use for c++ while also not having an easily accessible debug function for submitting lab code. I usually have to use an IDE just to make life easier. So far so good. I thought zyBooks was a very helpful tool in learning coding for Python. Compared to the hands on platforms like Codecademy, Udacity, etc it does a poor job of explaining the material. zyboks provided aa way to not only understand the material but to step through the code. Working at zyBooks | Glassdoor I believe they are helping in making sure that I am comprehending the material. When someone learns how to program, their first steps generally consists of making programs that print some message on some shell, read inputs from the user, and basic operations with variables. It is an incredible thing to have a publisher actually care about the student's education and provide the books at a reasonable cost for once. It's a good opportunity to understand the material easier. Easy to use, good tutorials and plenty of examples. Some topics become tedious. The metrics about how much progress is made and during which time frames is incredibly helpful. Its much more cheaper than Cengage and I totally agree with it. Personally, it's difficult sometimes but I always walk away feeling as if I've learned something. It was incredibly useful for reviewing concepts as well as reinforcing them. sometimes correct answers are made incorrect because it is not the answer the book wants. There is so much useful information packed on here that it really eases the stress that comes along with the class. I think zyBooks is a very easy program to use and is very convenient since all of it is online. It worked beautifully. Unique to my education experience and appreciated. The activities help me to truly learn and understand the material instead of just reading lots of theorems that take forever to understand. Overall, it is an easy and efficient implementation of an online textbook, especially compared to similar services. It's helpful, especially the challenge questions. not reliable at times. GitHub - diamondburned/zybooks-mcq: Script to bruteforce Zybooks MCQ _brudy 2 yr. ago Whats the desktop IDE? The material is concise and easy to follow. It is structured really well and helps me focus more on topics I would have normally missed or skipped over when reading a typical textbook. Give me a project, and help me work to a solution. I like that there are extra problem available to practice below with pencil and paper. I would be far more successful if there were a more comprehensive text book that accompanied the online course material. Overwhelming amount of chapters to complete at once, but that was an issue of our course rather than the book itself. I know code very well and have to take this course for requirements. I wish more of my classes used zyBooks. But, students deserve the best learning we can provide. I really like the way that zyBooks is set up, it is clear and helpful. It would be helpful if the print function worked. I like the combination of the participation activities along with the challenge questions. It works well to portray exactly what is necessary. It is easy to follow and allows you to learn and practice as you read. However, the Zylabs are too specific with their criteria that it's more of a bother to do them in here, so we usually use other online IDEs to do them. We look carefully at feedback from: surveys (as above), the feedback buttons in our content, support tickets, verbal feedback from our interactions with instructors via our sales reps, demos, research talks, and more. I already pretty much know everything in this course, so zyBooks is a good way to get some practice in, I thought the material was good overall. it's not that bad but it can be frustrating when many sections are assigned at once, its helpful and allows you to learn online efficiently. Fill in short answers for you. zyBooks is very easy to use, user friendly, and provides great learning tools. I find much more engaging than a tradition textbook. gives the answers for the challenge problems, so if the user doesn't know the answer, the user will be able to see and understand the problem better, and the user will do better next time. Zybooks was very organized and the presentation of the material was very easy to digest. The interactivity and the sample questions makes the learning process much more engaging and efficient. I think it's a helpful tool that is good for supplementing learning, but needs outside sources to make the material interesting. Meaning IF I had a bust week I hadddd to finish it rushed and couldn't;t take my time to learn. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. It's more engaging than just reading a textbook and it is really helpful to see these sometimes abstract concepts illustrated/animated, especially for someone like me as a visual learner. There were a couple of parts or sections that contradicted what the professor told us, but other than that I appreciated zyBooks. zyBooks Reviews: What Is It Like to Work At zyBooks? | Glassdoor I think zybooks is a good resource as study materials to go back and look through briefly, but as a textbook it doesn't translate well for some courses. The best way to understand the power and flexibility of zyBooks is to get in andwork with a free evaluation zyBook. The content was clear, concise, and easy to understand with examples. I like how it explains the material. The reading introduces the concept and the practice teaches it. My biggest question is why the program switched from Udacity to zyBooks? I've used it for multiple classes and really enjoyed it especially the diagrams are always helpful. I think it is a really good resource for learning programming concepts. I helps a lot with the explanation of the material and then helping me understand different types of code. Teach me and I remember. Informative and helpful in learning new programming languages. I think it is for the most part good, but there are labs that are far more challenging than what we are prepared for in the lessons. Very detailed. I enjoy the interactive activities in the chapters. It explains the material quite well. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at zyBooks, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. We used zyBooks during each class and for any assignments. The website has a very modern UI, easy to understand lessons, and has simple, yet clear graphics for the needed assistance. Really good interface, although the processing of some assignments is very slow. So we strive to scaffold tasks, provide hints, create auto-generated problems with solutions, and more, to complement help from instructors, so we can keep students learning and reduce frustration. Whenever I did the zybooks to prepare for class or after class, I always felt like I understood the material very well. This will be shown if an incident or maintenance is posted on your status page. I think I learned a lottt! The challenge activities are very useful in making sure you learn the content. Since this is the first c++ programming class that I have taken, I felt really lost on some of the topics that we went over. This is my third or fourth zybooks experience and I have always been happy with them. I found myself being constantly stuck when doing the acoompanying questions and applications on each section. I love the search tool. zyBooks | HelpDesk+ | Baylor University It is the best online textbook system I have seen so far in college. What we were doing on here wasn't aligned to what we were doing in class, but thats not zybooks fault. I like the feature where they let us to see answer, because sometimes I really have no idea what to right, and I don't need to struggle for too long. useful and effective way to teach the basics of coding since the content is nothing new or cutting edge, helps free up space for the teacher to teach more important/complex concepts. It's really helpful, but the professor used only zybooks to teach, instead, it will be helpful if he used board teaching and then assign zybook questions at the end of the chapter. I greatly appreciate that it incorporates extremely import reading material into real assignments, thus providing much more motivation to consume the reading material essential for understanding the subject. Anonymize references to professor or university names (using ___). I had tested every last piece of it. The material is well-organized and presented concisely. direct entry speech pathology programs near illinois. I just got done reading their "how to guide" and it provided a lot of thorough steps. Good source of material, but programming assignments are sometimes too easy. This feels like I am getting the short end of the stick. It has been a good learning tool, however my one complaint is the jump in difficulty from the chapter material to the lab material is a bit steep for me. Zybooks has helpful interactive tools, such as simulations and step by step "videos", that aid in learning the material in class and gaining a deeper understanding of this material. I appreciated the way examples can be generated to ensure you can practice as long as you want. It was a good estimate of what I knew or didn't know. When reviewing the examples I completed, the answer I wrote is erased after logging off or refreshing the page. I felt the challenge questions allowed me to prove that I knew what I was doing. Works very well. I think they are good but for my class they are bad. Another rare complaint indeed relates to cost. Very helpful. It was really helpful to see the examples and gave a clear and concise explanation on how the Java works. but would be value add more separate reading offline access then lab online access. 16% This mentality has come back to bite me this semester. first experience was really positive. A lot of the references to other parts of the book were hard to understand (where the reference was actually pointing to was hard to grasp.) I appreciate the interactive nature of zyBooks. However, there have been a couple of instances where zybooks has mad it difficult for me to learn a specific topic, mostly because the lesson along with the challenges and participation activities introduce coding topics that have not been covered yet. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. it was very expensive as something that is meant to aid in the process of learning. The repetition from typing in answers helps reinforce Java syntax. Fun to use because assignments are baked into the reading. A good site to practice the material thats assigned, zyBooks was really good for learning C++ because of the interactive examples and animations. It is alright. The animations and mid text quizzes seriously help reinforce and sometimes clear up readings and help cement the readings in my head. These principles drove zyBooks founders, who are also ICS alumni, Smita Bakshi (Ph.D. 1996) and Frank Vahid (Ph.D. 1994) to craft STEM material native for the web using "less text, more action," as they put it. I'm currently using _____ for another class and hate it. It is a lot easier to follow than a regular textbook. Seeing multiple ways to use the tools during the reading as well as at the end of the chapter were extremely helpful when working on the week's assignments. Zybooks made learning C++ easy. The interactive reading makes learning new topics just that much easier! It's honestly a very useful tool. It makes it much easier to focus on the material. I'm very pleased with the interactivity, which helps my engagement. The videos were helpful since it helped to visually watch the material make sense. When we encountered such issues our instructor was able to contact the author of the textbook had have them fix that. Zybooks is great but the only thing is that I wish some of the challenge activities were more simple like the practice problems. This is my second course through zybooks both of which were for programming and it has helped me learn very well for both classes. There was very little help and the instructions made little to none sense. The zyBook is more available than a textbook, and the interactive modules are more efficient than flipping to an appendix to see what was right or wrong. With more online courses popping up every day, it's easy to see why so many cheaters are on the rise. I dont learn as well just reading text though, I wish there were video explanations and examples. Mostly helpful. So here I am. It also helps tracking which readings are important for current class topics which helps me understand the material much better. Fast and interactive way of learning. Scroll to the bottom of this page for further discussion of recent survey results. Goes way beyond traditional textbooks and is much more effective. I think the tool is great. Will students be unhappy about having to pay? I think it helps me to understand the class materials because it has very good examples. The course material is not organized properly with some courses and the required participation activities are sometimes a hassle to complete. Try the first chapter free! Jose Maya, Student, IUPUI, The combination of online exercises, lectures, and targeted programming assignments, in addition to the book material, provides an effective, multi-tiered approach. I thought it was excellent; No real complaints. They do not have clear instructions or teach what to do clearly. I enjoy stepping through the processes and practicing the code. Ready to see zyBooks in action? zyBooks is a great way of keeping the readers engaged in the material with the ways i'ts formatted and the embedded book activities. Instructors: Replace your textbook with an affordable, interactive STEM zyBook proven to build confidence and save time. With zybooks I was able to get the practice and explanations that I really needed and I started doing a lot better on my exams and quizzes. ZyBooks is a great interactive online platform that made coding very easy to understand. I don't think our teacher's teaching style was compatible with Zybooks, though I do like the exercises. I learn more by discussions or other physical interactions. I love the idea of an interactive textbook, and all of the participation activities and challenge activities help me understand material so much better. I understand that is more of a personal problem rather than zy book but my point being is that zyBooks wasnt as helpful to me as it would've been if in person classes had continued. Zybooks has given me a deeper understanding about Java. I liked the interactive element of zyBooks, however for the assignments there were some elements that sometimes felt redundant or too time-consuming. Pretty good, liked how it really showed the steps and you had to work through it. not much, so far, pleasant experience. I took a C++ class with a normal textbook and I didn't learn anything. Zybook was SUPER helpful in learning the material and way better than reading normal textbook chapters. One professor just reviewed what was on the zybooks. It was interactive and kept me engaged. Canvas integration is good and interactive activities are also nice. In this course it feels extremely disconnected from the subjects we are learning and putting into practice in homeworks. I absolutely love it! It's just like any other text book except a bit more interactive. If you're going to punch a minority, punch up not down. The animations are also super helpful when trying to understand a concept. User interface was my favorite part of zyBooks, very easy to flow through the material and the graphics used for the chapter examples really helped me understand the material I was studying. But students want more, and we get it. Instead of assigning regular textbook problems, I like how my teacher assigns the lessons from the zyBook for a more interactive experience. zyBooks is a lot better than other online textbooks I have used. I also like how the instructors can automatically check you progress which makes the grading process easier. zyBooks is a very good platform for educational purposes. Just another site. It's honestly one of the best learning tools. I'm ashamed to have done less than I wanted to, but the time I did put into the course I got a lot out of. I lost a lot of points because of formatting errors. You guys are doing great! I liked it a lot, it helped me study the best I could. I didn't actually have a problem with zyBooks itself, but I didn't like that we were doing the class in C because I don't really have a use it for in my degree (applied math). I appreciate the non-strict learning style. The platform is very easy to follow. I stared at and attempted the lab for over 45 minutes before understanding what it asked, but there was no helpful hints on where to even start. Pretty good learning platform, has been pretty useful. Zybooks provided good simplified information that supplemented the lectures. It's a really nice way to learn. I really like the interactive part of zyBooks. It was an effective way to learn the material. The point of this webpage is this: No matter where you land, you will see mostly positive comments. However, submitting autograded code was a pain sometimes, forcing me to wait a couple minutes between each upload because the code wasn't exactly how Zybooks wanted. I think the lessons are extremely in depth and informative, and especially given the new precautions with the "Covid-19" crisis not allowing me to go to school, I've been able to gain a great understanding of all the material through the zyBooks service.