Home - Celebrate Recovery Mark 14:38 38 Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. I was a facilitator for CR at my church. And He came to set the captives free! Contact: Bob & Pam Bay. 1 Founded 25 years ago by pastor Rick Warren and the Saddleback Church in California, it started with just 43 people but now has groups in 29,000 churches all over the globe with more than 3.5 million . III. The magnificent reality. He partied in college at the University of Missouri and as an officer in the air force, and his drinking habit grew as his career in business took off in his 30s. The phrase do not throw out the baby with the bathwater, with regards to programs and practices like AA/CR, is overriding several biblical commands to come away from such. When I was in CR (Celebrate Recovery) which I talk on within most of my post and testimony, is that God used me to bring His Light and truth to the darkness that both AA/CR have as a foundation. The magnificent reality. I can assure you, that it is not the Holy Spirit. 2. I dont agree with that. I love hearing peoples stories and the work God has done through the cross and his saving grace in others lives. In such ways we want them to get sober in any way that works for them so not to affect others. B. Continued on with my story above, I started to attend Celebrate Recovery(CR), as prompted by the Spirit, even with the knowledge that it was a program that was directly tied to Rick Warren and Saddleback church: John Baker was an alcoholic and staff member of Saddleback Church who began healing through Alcoholics Anonymous. I have found that times when I am feeling too comfortable, that I am not growing or stepping out where I should be. John Baker continues to be the primary author of The Celebrate Recovery curriculum and materials (quoted from Wikipedia). Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? Alcoholism is not a disease. Safely Celebrating Milestones in Recovery - Pocket Rehab I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing, and my life is unmanageable. Whether the battle is with addiction, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, consequences of bad choices, or any specific mental health issues, Celebrate Recovery saves lives. The Spiritual Dangers of "Just Sex" Relationships - Sober Recovery Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! If so, then I challenge you to put your emotions aside from the program, and dig into the Word. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.. Through much prayer, and acquiring the Fathers will, the Spirit instructed me when I needed to go back, to finish what He had begun in me. I also, have experienced Gods grace and mercy through the Holy Spirit through some churches I have encountered that was amazing. Those who profess to be a believer in Jesus/Yeshua should repent of any and all involvement, and get rid of any material associated, to include: books, chips, manuals, etc. I lived at AA and Alanon meetings for years and was helped tremendously and then almost completely stopped. God is good, all the time. These first three steps of the 12, undermine the gospel, and allow an individual to accept whatever higher power they choose. Misuse of willpower. The Bible tells us to hate sin and evil, to cut it out of our life. I fully agree! Relation of humility to sobriety. Even the very symbol that is used on the AA book is very occultic, as seen from the pictures provided. Plight of the disillusioned. We believe in spreading the gospel throughout the whole world. So, it is important to keep ourselves pure from false doctrines and teachers. Celebrate Recovery at Family Life Church is a Christ Centered program that uses valuable principles to help free us from the effects of our hurts, habits, and hang ups. As they had all turned their backs on Yeshua/Jesus and His Word, they then had no problem turning their back on me. I will also provide links at the very end, that I found helpful while doing my own research, that may help you as well. The last thing I want to do is delve deeper into my issues/motivations/whatever. When Jesus stated, By their fruit you will know them, (Mat 7:16) He was speaking about wolves who appear to be good through what they do, and what they teach, yet are false. It is a welcoming community and provided a perfect place for our retreat. Yes, you are correct in that we should never simply believe anyones word at something, and I am not offended if you do not believe my testimony. A.A. does not demand belief; Twelve Steps are only suggestions. Prison Fellowship president James J. Ackerman collaborated with Baker to add Celebrate Recovery Inside to its curricula. Throughout scripture, Yeshua/Jesus tells us to not be deceived, and in order to obey that command, we have to be willing to test the practices, programs and doctrines we have accepted into our lives. To produce good fruit, a practice or program has to be sound in the word of God. The Dangers of Dishonesty in Recovery - Alcoholics Anonymous Cleveland Many seem to believe that as long as something appears good, and that someone is helped that it must be of God, when this is simply not true; while He can draw His own creation to Him, in whatever circumstance they are in, this does not mean that it is His perfect will for them to continue on in what they are doing or involved in. Lost faith found in A.A. Having said that, this review (completed largely with the help of Matthew Mumma) will demonstrate that CR contains two major problems: (1) Though claiming to be biblically based, its teachings are often constructed from a misuse of Scripture and an erroneous hermeneutic. Too many pastors use an academic model in which they simply lecture their congregations. Negative and positive thinking. Is Celebrate Recovery a biblical program? AA is a religion. Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Some people understand what weve been through and some do not. Canadian Groups - Celebrate Recovery The Celebrate Recovery Bible on Kindle, iBooks and Nook are also approved curriculum. Anxiety causes us to waste precious energy dealing with past hurts hiding stuff and fear of being found inept kept me from present Hiding kept me Change can only happen in the present . The loss of a sense of brotherhood and the loss of being part of something important and bigger than myself can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, emptiness, boredom, anger, or loneliness. Required fields are marked *. This is what I did, as led by the Holy Spirit. Giving that asks no reward. Today, when individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders seek help, they are met with the knowledge and belief that anyone can recover and/or manage their conditions successfully. How should a Christian view alcoholics? Celebrate Recovery is for adults 18 years and older. Importance of an open mind. They are drunk, but not with wine; They stagger, but not with intoxicating drink. Recovery is not a straight road or an easy fix. Ive been attending CR (and volunteering on the welcome team ) for about a year. What is spiritual awakening? celebrate recovery products for sale | eBay True sobriety is not only having control over the body, but also the mind. A perpetual drunkard, is being in perpetual sin, and those who do so, do not inherit the Kingdom. A new state of consciousness and being is received as a free gift. The truth is that my life was saved. Problems of intellectuality and self-sufficiency. We will be held accountable for the truth that we were given, and at the expense of our flesh, rejected. It can come as a shock to many individuals to discover that the good times can also be a test as well. The Dangers of Dishonesty in Recovery. 4. (Pgs 5-6), Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.Joy of living is the theme of the Twelfth Step. Recovery is a term that primarily denotes a process of physical healing. This is a process of maturity and growth in the Lord. Celebrate Recovery - Canton GA, Woodstock GA, Holly Springs GA Before I go further, I want to share something on this topic. Jesus said He came to bring a sword, not peace (Mat 10:34), this means that truth will divide, and the outcome may not be peaceful because of offense. Thanks for sharing brother. "This is a great place to hold an event. C. C.R. Bauxite mining would threaten birds, plants, and clean water. We admitted we were powerless over alcoholthat our lives had become unmanageable.Who cares to admit complete defeat? 12For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD(YHWH): and because of these abominations the LORD(YHWH) thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Daly City Celebrate Recovery. They literally drain us and leave us feeling fatigued, unmotivated and even depressed. (Pgs 8-9). My grandfather passed before I was born, so while I did not know him, I was told he was an alcoholic and was involved in AA. 2) We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. for the living to the dead?(KJV). 20:2). 1 Peter 1:13Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;14As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:15But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;16Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. This very much includes programs like AA/CR which do not have a grounding in the Bible at all. Hi Kellie, Thank you for sharing, and I am glad that you have had your eyes opened to the deceptiveness of this program. What? Celebrate Recovery West Palm - Good News Christian News Has anyone been through Celebrate Recovery? - Worthy Christian Forums You made some really good points. BE SOBER-MINDED. Pregnancy clinics are a crucial force in the pro-life movement, and the center of the argument before the justices today. Anything that impairs your mind, will also affect your spiritual wellbeing, and can lead into sinful choices. With Gods help, he showed again and again that those cycles can be broken, he said. At Landmark Recovery, we are happy to help you find a support system that meshes with your belief system. The Dangers of AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) and Celebrate Recovery. Baker is survived by his wife and Celebrate Recovery cofounder, Cheryl; children Johnny and Jeni Baker and Laura and Brian Gibney; and their grandchildren. I am only going to provide, and go over a few of the steps, as I think it would be to exhaustive to go over every single one. In other ways I know both programs have brought people into their recovery process and even drawn them to Jesus. The Participant Guides are designed to create movement through the steps as each person is on a healing journey that creates new understanding and hope through the work of the Holy Spirit, and not . 1 Timothy 1:3 As I urged you on my departure to Macedonia, you should stay on at Ephesus to instruct certain men not to teach false doctrines. All things including our evil ways will work to the glory of God somehow, and that is something I do and must believe in my journey. How can I start a Celebrate Recovery Starting a Celebrate Recovery is an exciting step for your church! Creation of C.R. What is Celebrate Recovery? - Centers.com I am glad that you found this blog edifying. A spiritual awakening or new state of consciousness are specific terms that are used within the New Age or occult. I am so glad to hear of the insights that you have received from the Holy Spirit pertaining to this program. The most common reason why people relapse after a period of sobriety is that they become stuck in recovery. This is a good read and that is what God has laid in my heart over the years of my addiction and recovery. I read this and the Spirit of God prompted to reply. We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. Are these 12 steps in alignment with the Scriptures? Next, I moved on to being baptized, which both my husband and I were able to actually do for her. Celebrate Recovery | What Is It? - detox nph: to be sober, to abstain from wine. He delivered me completely of alcohol, and a great many of other things. Ministries of CR - Celebrate Recovery I take comfort in the thought that as John enters the presence of his Lord, he will hear the words, Great, Johnyou did it!. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Celebrate Recovery. As a result, people often walk out of worship services with their lives unchanged. Thanks for your post. Once a person has repented, turning from sin, they are no longer defined by that sin, but rather are set free, and become a new creation: 1 Cor 6:9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Initially when I went through rehab, now over 13 years ago, I went briefly through AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) as it was a requirement of the rehabilitation program I was part of. If you chose to eat ten candy bars every day and to never brush your teeth, they would start rotting out. Compromise your own values and integrity to avoid . This is an excerpt from one of my blogs The Deception of the New Age Awakening through DNA, The New Age movement is not a conspiracy but an eclectic configuration of spiritual seekers who have despaired of finding personal and cosmic satisfaction in either religious orthodoxies or secular materialism. My faith was empowered, as I knew it was my time to speak His Words. The one woman though, who had praised Jesus, wanted me to stay and chat with her for a little while. About a year later, I was led to sponsor a woman, who was coming out of drug addiction. According to Step 3, it is like opening a door, however is going in another way other than Yeshua (Joh 10:7), as a person submits to a higher power. I know, for me, it wasn't hard to recite the 12 steps in solidarity at a . We must be a willing vessel to share the truth with others, even at the cost of suffering, for if we dont, then we are not picking up our cross. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. His efforts to make amends to his wife, Cheryl, as part of the 12 steps led to him attending Saddleback Church with her, hearing Rick Warren preach, and renewing their marriage vows in a span of months. 34The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. If you are a Christian in recovery and currently attending a twelve step program whether it be Alcoholics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, Hunger for Healing or any of the other assortment of spin off programs, please take the time to consider the following information. Perhaps if you took the time to look into this further, you might begin to see a lot of the deception surrounding this, as while I do appreciate your comment, and believe it to be sincere, the deception is still very strong. It was still a deep tissue massage, which helped me to relax, and relive my sore muscles, however, I was engaging in a practice that is contrary to biblical practices. So if I forgive God, then that makes Him limited and also makes mistakes? The Saddleback Church pastor developed the popular Christ-centered 12-step program for hurts, habits, and hang-ups., Image: Courtesy of Saddleback Church / Edits by Christianity Today. This is my concern also for you, in that you are highly esteeming a program over that of the Word, which is the same spirit that I encountered while attending my last day of CR. Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, NOR DRUNKARDS, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Exposing Recovery - THE WAY MINISTRY CHURCH Yes, God can and does help people through the church and power of the Holy Spirit with repentance. 83 Celebrate Recovery ideas - Pinterest All those in A.A. are "recovering" alcoholics, who, according to A.A., never completely recover. 3525 /nph (be sober, unintoxicated) refers to having presence of mind (clear judgment), enabling someone to be temperate (self-controlled). I cannot guarantee that it wont be awkward, and you might even lose those you thought were your friends. What partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Two members of that group William(Bill) Wilson, and Dr. Bob Smith came together in 1935 to officially start what is known as AA. When he hit his bottom, he began attending daily AA meetings, working through the steps, and finding hope in a God who loved him unconditionally. The actual definition given to Sober-minded means to abstain from wine. So, I kid you not, this woman looks at me, dead in the eye and says no, I think that Kellie should go first, I think she has something important to say. I agree with what you are saying, in that we can lead those who are seeking, out of the dangers of AA. Celebrate Recovery | Brookwood Church - Simpsonville SC Celebrate Recovery (CR) meets at 6 p.m. Saturdays at Good Shepherd Church, 2341 S. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, featuring dinner, a big meeting and small open share groups. This is what I encourage people to do with the writing of this blog, and not leading people blindly into a program that has led many to accept a false gospel.