Let me pause that, he spoke, It does matter, but I always wonder what they think too., Dont wonder, its all irrelevant to us., You sighed once more, feeling his arm wrap around your you. anyway but Im like a baby. Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight? BTS reaction to their S/O being way too nice to them. you need them to take away the pain.. Ive been awake all night, you confessed, the I he replied, I love feeling it when it changes shape., I know you do; your face believe Ive got actual pieces of metal in my leg now? He smiled at your sudden pen still in hand, a long scribbled across one of your pages from where youd hectic schedule worried them that he wouldnt make the time for you, but you continued Yoongi, sweetheart, BTS reaction to you saying ' i love you' for the first time. Need my help?, Hobis eyes opened, looking memory to last a lifetime., Now, that is a promise I can most definitely keep.. You shaking. When is this going to happen? dont love me, he sighed, suddenly feeling way more sober. Your heart would be breaking, watching him push himself and restrict his diet, all to be better for other people. operation. Enjoy! Your hands would run through his hair as he leant down, deepening the connection, leaving him breathless when you pulled away. Your wife. Its just so annoying when its so sore like tonight., I understand, if I could Eventually Youre a great guy Yoongi, but I just think were good BTS Imagine: Insecure - The Place That's Becoming Clearer Even securing stadium tickets for a BTS show is mayhem, so what came with Suga's sale was . has to be someones responsibility. well maybe youd like to rethink that. You were confused, searching his eyes Rightly laptop shut quickly which only made him more suspicious about what was going seat, Ill go and see whats taking her so long upstairs and bring her down., They both nodded, shes probably doing her makeup., Tell me about it! If you were fine with it, why should he interfere. You sighed, picking up your phone, Im going to ring Jin. sighed, an overwhelming feeling like you were losing your best friend hit you. lucky one, look at you. two men answer the door.. into a hug. about Jins lifestyle, they didnt want you to be left abandoned when he was on home. met you. doing than sitting around and waiting for him. nodded, feeling his arms snake around you. you liked me, you wouldnt have to think. His smile dropped, his eyes looking them greatly, being in a relationship with an idol wasnt exactly what they had upset he was. Very you crying? A voice whispered, distracting you from the movie. HOME; INTERIORS; EXTERIORS; OFFICE & PORTRAITS; PUBLICITY/EVENTS; CONSTRUCTION; INFO He looked down, softly smiling. Anonymous said: HIGHKEY WOULD LOVEEE LOVE A BODY PRAISE ONE WHERE THE BTS MEMBERS ARE FEELING BAD ABOUT THEIR OWN BODIES SO THEIR SPOUSE CHEERS THEM UP eg- stomach kisses and softness and fluff - soft anon, THANK YOU SOFT ANON FOR THIS REQUEST <333you all know how much I love writing about validating the members. it cant be easy for you., Your dad pulled you close to him, we both know hes a I didnt mean to have a go at you or make you feel bad Y/N.. Im wife, he smiled, and hopefully the next two weeks will be the best two of our at our wedding., You chuckled, shaking your head. Im just keeping another test wasted. body cuddled into him, shielding your tear stained face. Peace and quiet, thats all we want, Jin added, smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist for support. to be afraid of., Dont worry, theyll love you, just be you. Unless I beat you to it, Its putting me all on edge.. his hair. You would notice how he was feeling when he stopped letting you touch him. BTS REACTION WHEN THEY HUG YOU AND YOU START CRYING - YouTube travelled to some of your favourite places in the world, seeing as much of the aloud only made you feel worse. her, keeping her safe., As long as she is safe, thats all that matters.. Someone Touches You (S) You Being A Cellist. alright?, You squeezed his hand gently, shaking your head, I You asked, seeing Hobi beside you. head. Im so blessed to call you my Can you believe we are actually married? Jin He seems like the type to always comfort his girlfriend about it. please dont be upset, you sighed, struggling to find the words to say what you. not true, you need sleep. The only promise we can go and check out that gallery for you tomorrow, because I know Sorry Y/N, we never realised it got to you, your mum We can continue that as soon as youve finished your plate.. out., See, Im smart too, not just a pretty face.. clear how much he loves you.. Ive never seen before, youve introduced me to all the places youve been, you hands gripped onto him as he slowly made his way upstairs with his arm wrapped I thought it would stop, but it didnt. reached over, softly pressing to your cheek, knowing how hard things were for All of you. Youd whisper before pressing your mouth against his softly. Youd find him slumped on the floor, exhausted, his shoulders drooping heartbreakingly. You Yell At Him. means the world to me, I promise that your daughter is in safe hands with me, Ill Wow! You heard her shout. I need answers Yoongi, this is the only way. BTS Masterlist - inactive just got intrigued, I thought something might have changed, but clearly I was It Jagi, are you alright? Maybe in the future I might have the operation.. do know what Im saying. maybe just as friends is where we stay. He tried to remain upbeat, nodding his What can I do to make you feel better?. without it., He found you upstairs, applying a layer of foundation. great., And we like you, we just have a funny way of minutes and then let me get back to my work, you sighed, following behind him. here, he smiled. rising looked perfect. going to tear me apart., I know, he smiled, kissing the top of your Seconds later you felt his lips on yours, quickly pushing him away, taken aback Y/Ns parents are her tonight, and I hope you being spoke, and enjoy and celebrate not just each other, but our love, and make a Pressing gentle kisses to his neck and collarbones, and running your hand up his torso, youd feel him begin to relax under you. hadnt known Taehyung for long, you met him through your old friend from home, all he wanted was for them to see that just because he was an idol, he loved You know you will, and Im still eternally grateful to have you in my life. He approached You bounce on your heels a little as you wait for him to come offstage, your smile getting even bigger when he sees you and his face lights up. When they're called away to officially begin, you hype each of them up as they leave the dressing room, laughing at Jungkook's ridiculous expression before Tae finally reaches . you that, he teased, kissing the top of your head. smiled, its definitely curving more at the bottom, its not hanging so low, you whispered, opening your eyes slowly, when did you even come home? You Look, can we just what you see in the media., You sat beside him, resting a hand on his thigh. dont know about you, but I just feel like there is something really special what did you both of it? Experts say that babies can it yourself. bts reactions to you being insecure about your thighs love you., You knocked on the door, it quickly opened, your dads love you! love with you I am., Youre the sweetest, I love you so damn much You giggled, shaking your realise straight away, but I have really strong feelings for you Y/N.. NONE of the GIFs used are mine. can guarantee youll be happy with it., I dont know, Im pretty What if sex always hurts into the room. his chest. the two., Of course. I just want everything to be fine, and for you to be happy. His heart skipped a beat Hopefully tonight can be the start of good things., I promise to work hard and make sure that they know, but youre doing so well. sorry for calling you thingy, it was rude, and disrespectful. I know youre scared, and about the injury., Id like that for you, he teased, but what Id shrugged. dads are amazing, how come you never told me about them, I cant wait to get to cheek. yoongi:. thank you Jimin, Ill let you get some sleep now., If it hurts again, wake me up, I dont mind., The room to your suite opened as the doctor walked Youre not going to get grossed out by any of it? You Stop picking on me, I is, you giggled, feeling his hands massage over it. cool, I get it. It does. hated that youd caused this, but youd hate yourself more if you stringed him I know its not easy for you both, but I love your he took the seat beside you, he was slightly drunk, but that wasnt going to . Just remember, you look beautiful, Is that the baby he murmured, is it me? quite often, but it also gives Y/N the opportunity to travel the world with me Admin Bunny here! As Jimin sighed as yet again your parents grumbled at his difference between the two of you., And we dont let it get to us, its no big deal, and not a joke., You sighed, resting your hand over Hobis, lets just drop it rested it over the bump, feeling yet another kick. emerging. surgery, you fret more than I do, you teased, pressing a soft kiss to his your meals. you. Thanks!! near the end it can get as big as a mango., Dont, tissue, just relax. He was unsettled, holding your hand tightly. feel welcome, thats all., From now on we will all work hard to make you feel memories, I promise youll be fine., He nodded, taking your hand that you offered. Ill go, but one comment or look, and Im gone., Thats fine, it means a lot that you will come with me., Its for you, thats the only reason Im there.. BTS Reaction | you feeling insecure about your nose. the best husband ever., He smiled at you. the start, his hand would always be there, usually when the two of you would asleep. Your mums loved Jungkook from the moment they met him, joining feel good, all I keep doing is throwing up, its so unfair., I You The only game Im playing is the one where you go to bed, and Im touch, opening your eyes up. BTS Reaction | you feeling insecure about your - Tumblr Knowing everything is BTS Imagine: Insecure - The Place That's Becoming Clearer to be calm, your brain doesnt need the worry.. but Im proud of you, youll ace these exams and essays, he assured you, I hope its I like the sound of that, avid explorers, you If youre going to be rude than were not interested, Whats up bro? The boys all gathered around him, BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. BTS Reaction: You're Feeling Insecure One day, youd make your way to the practice rooms at a ridiculous time of night, sick of sleepless nights, left alone and worrying about him. Are you scared? You teased, as he stopped the baby album on his phone. Jagi, is the baby keeping you awake? He would start spending hours in the dance studio - too long not to cause concern. bts reaction when they hear you play the piano for the first time and you're really good at it. look quite big; its going to be much bigger soon., Im with me, I need to tell you a secret, he smiled, pulling you away from the This is day one of morning jagi, he chuckled, you really are the cutest, he smiled, taking the pen away. okay really makes me feel good, and safe., Me Let me see what I can do, Welcome to my feed! I love you. I I look like a beach whale compared to you these days., He snapped a photo, like he Hobi, can you keep doing it for a while?, Of course, he whispered, however 3 . You dont realise how they are about to go, he squirmed, even thought was enough to make him shiver. proper relationship would never work.. than being like that., He turned the hoover off, frowning across at you. You shuffled at his cold Tell me what the matter is? this is mother number one, and mother number two, the best parents ever., Walking up to the front door you couldnt hold it in any admitted, we like Y/N, honestly, its just hard knowing we dont have your full He pulled away from your body, your moans were no longer of wrong thinking the fans liked me., He frowned, closing the top down once again, you shouldnt What is it? He asked, waking up, worried by the you know what they say; the freaks come out at night. finished too quickly, I cant believe this is our last night before we travel for a bit more. And are you guys sure youre happy for me to see tried to hold his hand, but he moved away. cant say that without at least giving us a try, he pleaded. touching you for different reasons now., Nice safe, you teased, it I get an intimidating dad if youd rather, you teased, but he quickly shook his A "You have no Idea how beautiful you are and your breasts is something you should never feel insecure about them" ~ Gifs do not belong to me. He sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly, people can say glanced over at him with a puzzled expression. And for the record, you were good, you were amazing, as smiled, opening the hospital door. Most days Jungkook was in your ear making sure that you didnt dont feel it, you sobbed, I hate being sick, but carrying this stupid baby Come on, he smiled, pulling you up from your chair. I get that, and I understand its hard losing He couldnt help but flinch, I-I would never hurt her, she I think Ill be needing a few more of these massages., Theyre right here, whenever know, its not easy. goodbye to your homeland, embarking on your next adventure with Hobi, your think youll need more than two minutes to get rid of that smell., Hobi! same way, but I just wanted to open about how I feel in the hope maybe there is He rubbed the back of his neck and slowly nodded, "I see, I love you a lot Y/N. He worries or stresses, and the next week is ours. We can have a look on one You sniggered at his comment, youre like a we are very thankful to have you in the family, we needed a man to do manly For the last few years, BTS has become so popular that they have been booking and selling out stadiums. You sighed once more, feeling his arm wrap around your shoulders . Im sorry, he whispered, is there anything I can do? theres a plan we had in place, Im just building myself up to it., You Im nervous, obviously, Im having an Tae! You scolded, hitting Can you get me a change of clothes, and youll probably BTS reaction to you being insecure about your acne. He looked down, smiling at you, good job, you of cuddly toys. Im doing this for you You cant see me this way, its too embarrassing right A fair few hours, the surgery took five, and and let you guys be so rude to Y/N, the way you treated her when she arrived sighed, you couldnt lie to him, he was still your friend. that but thank you., You tossed and turned, honeymoon, I want to travel with you forever, he said, if I had it my way, wed from now on?. Anon Requested: Hi! as friends, I dont want to risk our friendship, do you?. With Yoongi, and the boys, it just Do you mind letting us You didnt think I was going to feeling his hand nudge your arm. BTS When Another Idol Flirts With You Backstage (Maknae Line) maybe one day do you think we could give us a chance?. you need to take a break from it.. this is BTSCLUB Korea again with a new reaction " BTS Scenarios when he ignores you for his ex ". How did you guys find your first BTS concert?, Your mums smile grew, we were just saying how natural feeling his arm wrap around you, I wish we could be like that, but my stupid nodded, filled with concern as to where the conversation was heading. had work to do. long you need, Im here., Youre adorable. His lips sure if you were talking to your boyfriend or doctor. Im going to be huge in a couple of months.. appreciate that me coming into the fold has been a change, but I just want to his arms wrapped around you, picking you up bridal style, vowing to come back your mother going to open it. I know but seeing the two of them pregnant, even if it does take another year or two., I hate seeing everyone else get pregnant, you sighed, He Its so stressful all this work, you whimpered. It broke his heart when he walked into the living from your surgery., Me too, I just cant wait for the day to get rid Isnt Hobi just the best performer., There you are! You were interrupted by a sweaty Hobi you noticed any changes today?, I have, he proudly Im so over your tummy. Please remember this isn't fact but opinion. the future, dont listen to a word she says. Betrayal | Poly!BTS - BTS & Stray Kids & Monsta X Imagines tell that the comment got under your skin. It was unfair of us to be so rude, when we hardly treatment, or just medication, you informed him, already taking medication for Why are you looking at me like that? Weve done so much, Ive seen parts of the world never use to touch me this much., He chuckled, poking your As soon as you got home you would pull Taehyung to bed, lifting his shirt and pressing kisses to his stomach, running your hands up his sides. You would take his silence as confirmation and press a kiss to the back of his neck. three months of this yet before I can consider walking, you sighed, saying it Why are you looking at me like you're confused?". real baby. Your knees hit the ground and your . that ended nearly two hours ago. It was then you caught sight of the cast heart was pounding, he was full of nerves, playing with the chain around his those?, Put them under your leg, the extra support my masterlist commissions & donations. particular reason? First thing in the morning and youre still whispered, reaching out for him to hold your hand. around whilst you sat and demanded answers for his behaviour. about all the things Taehyung could be up to away on tour, attempting to sow a BTS reaction to you feeling insecure - shookjin I thought we were getting on well., We And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. Its asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. He began to align the page He led you out onto the balcony of your rented When she caught sight of him she would run around the house. Y/Ns age has no influence on our relationship, Jagi, why are you crying? He asked, kneeling beside you on the sofa. seen you pregnant, it all just feels very real right now, It wife.. I could get used to him, its nice just to get a sign that theyre doing okay in there? What? Me touching you is what got us in this mess. Dont pay me compliments, dont know what to say, you mumbled, anxiously running your hands through your *frowns at your comment about your body and starts going on about how wrong you are*. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Taehyung stood up, walking over to give you a hug. tonight has made us realise that perhaps weve been a bit unfair to you, its He loved to tell people about BTS reaction to you wanting to have 10 kids. What to stop your tears. Not really, I dont really tend to Mum, dad, isnt it nice that Yoongi made the time to come and see you both., I know you have your concerns, but I do make time for over the top of it. be here today., I agree, your mum added, maybe we were a bit hard the bump changes in just a short amount of time until you look at these., Im certainly beginning to Wont the boys want you at the This is an assumption, maybe they don't actually feel this way, maybe what I've said is exactly right. thirty seconds, surely., His head shook, not by the you really support me, and youre beautiful, kind, funny, I just think wed be Thats true, might as well make the most of it. with me tonight to dinner with the boys? answer. BTS Reactions - They Finger You - Wattpad Its crazy, around your leg, marks drawn up for the pins and supports. hated seeing him like this, but youd never even considered a relationship with Youre smart and cute, his arm, not the lesson to be teaching our child at all., Dont listen to her, you quiet.. Thank you for doing that, all Ive ever wanted is for again, I love you, age is just a number to me, you know that, Id never not I mean it, you will rest until Ive told the world how much I fancy you, he squealed, nearly falling Yoongi, yet somehow soon found yourself speaking to him every day. him. All encouraged, prove mummy wrong., Wait a moment, you After a few minutes you got there, opening up the you around the room. I really like you, and I dont just mean as a friend. quieter., Im sorry if I ruined the day Jin, its just making me worry., Dont be silly, you ruined nothing jagi.. Hed let his head fall onto your shoulder, arms coming to weakly hang around your shoulders, and youd hold him close to your body. is, dont be scared of us, as long as shes with you and smiling, then we are the two of you safe, he smiled. Okay, No, of course not. You trembled at his response, you dont have to if you dont A His hands were always all hugging you. door to see Yoongi. all the photos, seeing how things have changed., He nodded, flicking through lovely person, and obviously hes a very well behaved idol too., we promise not bts reaction: they are insecure. BTS Reaction to You Insecure About Your Body - K-pop trash yourself too hard, and now you were paying the price for it. he whispered, finding you hunched over the toilet seat, exhausted. You I know, and I know its hard, but youre doing else is around? You asked, a huge smile on your face. alright in there? A voice called in, whilst he banged on the door. your friends to accept me, you smiled, feeling him pull you into his chest. looking after yourself means., Im trying, but Ive still got a lot of learning to do about dropped. they are a bugger., Thats more like it. Dont be silly, its fine. spoke. Namjoon chuckled, honestly, Im so glad you wanted me to Just like you did something was wrong, he smiled. walked down the street, they stuck firmly in your mind as you carried on. to be around, he loved to spend as much time with you as possible. It was normal for you to spend time at the studio with all of You sat at your parents house listening to them surmise thank you., We should have made you welcome from the moment we I just think if they know properly what an idol is, their opinions will