But Im willing to make it. They are intelligent, friendly, and active, but they also require a lot of attention and training. Adult dogs can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours if needed, but that doesnt mean that they should. Check out our Mental Stimulation Ideas For Collies article for some top tips. As mentioned before, this could be a park, your yard, or even a field. Let me ask you this. Then there are border collies that need constant training and reassurance that strangers are not threats. Its a big commitment. Border collies are also known for their herding instincts and can be very active. 2. If youre willing to put in some time and effort, though, you can have a truly devoted, loving, and fun-to-be-around companion for many years to come. They can be introverted, independent, and sometimes aggressive to strangers for example with their juvenile nipping behavior. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'trainingbuster_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-leader-1-0');So, if you are a first-time dog owner, these are some specific things to look out for in the breed. Collies require a specific positive training approach and they can suffer from traits that are difficult to train out of them without in depth knowledge of the breed, such as chasing cars and nipping. 10 Training Tips! WebBorder Collies are not usually recommended for first-time dog owners. I honestly hate to leave them because thats exactly what I want. There are a lot of great qualities that a Border Collie has that can make them an excellent dog, but first-time owners need to know what they are getting into before bringing on the challenge of raising this breed. If you have a lot of other responsibilities or you are gone at work for a significant portion of your day it could be very difficult to find the time you need to keep your Border Collie occupied. 8 Potential Methods, How Do Cats Show Affection? Since theyre also good at guarding, owners can use them for guarding property or livestock from predators, such as coyotes or mountain lions. So yes, a Border Collie belonging to a first-time owner should be perfectly safe and happy living outside most of the time, unless a sound like fireworks or other animals frequently disturbs them and you. To understand what makes collies tick and whether they may fit into your life, we need to go back in time a few hundred years! But is a Border Collie the Some would say that Border Collies are not suitable for a first-time owner, while others say it is an excellent breed for a first-time owner. Cheers. Border Collies are known to be highly active canines. There are dogs playgrounds also near our house 10 minutes drive. We adorpted them. Most herding dogs, like those mentioned above, will sometimes nip at a persons feet or heels. While there is no cut-and-dried rule for the maximum amount of time you can leave your collie alone at home, you must not leave your dog for 10 or 12 hours. How much exercise does a Border Collie need? And to this day, they sure as heck are intelligent and obedient. There are dogs that are friendly and trusting of any person, like golden retrievers. They also have strong jaws that help them catch their targets safely; this makes them great for hunting small animals like Rabbits or game birds such as Quail. Dog breeds that can be left alone for long periods include Labrador and Golden Retriever, Beagle, Peekapoo, or Shiba Inu. For new dog owners it may be a shock to learn just how much of a commitment a dog requires as you are responsible for their health, happiness and general wellbeing. There are two types of collie: smooth and rough-coated. Yes . At some point in everyones life, the prospect of becoming a dog owner ignites and becomes all-consuming as you decide which dog you should bring into your life. Collies are exceptionally demanding dogs to live with and have a lot more needs than other dog breeds. Read more about Border Collie Barking Here. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'pawsandlearn_com-box-4','ezslot_4',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawsandlearn_com-box-4-0');With that said, it is possible for a new dog owner to be successful with raising a Border Collie? So I took that as an advantage. Take time to research a breed to ensure its characteristics will fit with your lifestyle. Lets exclude the possibility that they will spend days being couch potatoes. A Border Collie is suitable for a first-time owner who provides adequate exercise, attention, and the love that the animal requires. Collies are constantly on the go and need an owner who can keep up with them! They are often highlighted in movies like Animal Farm and Snow Dog. Its no wonder that a lot of people would think about getting a Border Collie when they decide to get a dog. One of the most popular breeds in the world, the golden retriever is a truly gentle dog. They require constant work and care to live their best lives. But a Border Collie definitely needs a certain amount of space. Border collies can be great for first-time owners who have a lot of time to devote to their dog! Sadly, this isnt the best choice for first-time owners. Obviously, having some And that isnt including mixes. Male collies are a bit larger, weighing 6075 pounds and measuring 2426 inches at the shoulder, while female collies tend to weigh 5065 pounds and are typically 2224 inches tall. And not just her. If you answered yes to all these questions, then yes, a border collie is good to have for someone who hasnt had a dog before. Well, many Border Collies live their whole lives inside. Whether you are looking for a canine companion, a playmate for the kids, or an adventure buddy, there is a lot to consider before committing to a puppy. Basic training is easy, but to train your border collie-specific commands and tricks, you require insight into their psychology and behavioral response. We have two cats and our collie at home. Great jobs for your Border Collie include water games, puzzle toys, and licking mats. Think that will never happen? In spite of this, collies are a very rewarding breed to live with, and could be a great first dog for an owner who knows what they are getting in to and who has the time to properly train their new collie. Make sure you are able to provide this before getting a Border Collie! But when you put in the effort, they can be the best dogs you will ever own. Ollie is a sweet 2.4 year old border collie. First-time owners can own a Border Collie if Is a Border Collie easy to train for first-time dog owners? They are extremely clever, can easily figure out how to open a door and when it comes to training, they are an absolute joy. If first-time owners do decide on a Border Collie, it is important to understand the breed first before you bring your new family member home. Are you ready for many walks a day (Or a good amount of time spent playing the backyard)? Are border collies a good first dog? In addition, pets with diarrhea or other intestinal illnesses may not be able to make it outside fast enough. For more information about Border Collie shedding and grooming, you can read the article below. There is no escaping, Border Collies can be considered high-maintenance dogs (lets be honest, most of us are high maintenance too!). The first step is to rule out a medical reason, which involves making an appointment to see your veterinarian. Here are some essential tips for keeping your new canine safe: Nicole is the proud mom of 3 rescue fur babies, Baby, a Burmese cat; Rosa, a New Zealand Huntaway; and Mac, a Lab/Mastiff. Border collies are often cited as the most intelligent breed of domestic dogs. IF you can do all these things for them, with a little additional research, a collie could be a good fit in your life and home.Here is some more general advice for first-time dog owners. Contact, How To Prevent Separation Anxiety in Collies, Can collies be left alone? Collies are high maintenance and require a vast training and exercise commitment to prevent behavioral problems, however even for new dog owners if youre willing to put in the work collies are extremely rewarding dogs to look after. He is older now, but has always been that way. As stated, this breed requires patience and skill, which not many people have. I also have a medium big backyard but behind my house there are terribly huge fields. They are usually good with children and other animals but may require some training. In an active family context, this means they need a good amount of mental stimulation, plenty of attention and enough physical activity and daily exercise outdoors. Being a first-time dog owner can be both exciting and daunting, and what makes an ideal breed for a first-time owner depends on various factors. Owners generally want to maintain a healthy and proper weight for their Border Collie in the range of 30 to 50 pounds. WebWhat many people fail to realize, even long-standing Border Collie owners, is that the herding instinct is simply a modified version of the killing instinct of wolves. The average dog has the capability to learn around 165 words and signals. There isnt a set amount of exercise they need, but a good rule of thumb is that your puppy needs five minutes of exercise per every month of age twice a day. Just coincidentally came across your site and Im glad I did! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Well, the biggest reason. Yes, Border Collies can be great first-time dog owners. It goes into depth about grooming care for the Border Collie and has links on how to bathe, brush, and care for your dogs teeth, ears, and paws. WebA bright, ingenious breed, the Border collie is the perfect dog to be a pet. Is Having a Puppy a lot of work? Establish a firm leadership in your home from the moment your dog steps inside your house. Instead, they will constantly want your attention and involvement. They can develop separation anxiety or even be destructive. WebBorder collies can be a great breed for some first-time dog owners but it is important to consider your households lifestyle and several typical traits of the breed. But you can never train a Border Collie not to herd. Good family dogs? Your pet should go for regular checkups with your veterinarian, and pet insurance is worth considering. That duration is too long for a single stretch. Read more about me on the about page, or check out the categories below. If not provided to them, they can become little troublemakers in the home. The latter is the fluffy, Lassie-like collie, whereas the former has a sleek, short coat. Several border collie owners have shared their best and worst experiences with me, which Ive jotted down to explain how you should behave with your adorable collies. Goldfish Aquaponics 101: Feeding, Stocking, & Care Guide. So in some ways, a Border Collie is perfect for a first-time owner, as long as they are prepared to be highly active every day. 10 Essential Training Tips! As highly trainable and people-pleasing dogs, most goldens can be taught to live successfully with cats. As they are smart, they need activities that need some mental effort too. Q: Is Border Collie good for first-time owners? What do you think? You can expect a bored Border Collie to chew things up, lick excessively, bark excessively, dig, get into and eat things they shouldnt (see this article I wrote about eating rocks, dirt, and poop), and basically cause destruction. However, if you know the basics about keeping a dog as a pet and love to know more, things will be quite easy for you to manage. A Border Collie will not wander off as far as other breeds like a Terrier or Hound, but they can still easily jump out and even nip at passers-by, in an attempt to herd them. Taking that into consideration, why wouldnt they be a good breed to start with? Can Border Collies Swim? PetKeen.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Border Collies are herding dogs built to run, work hard, and perform demanding jobs for their pet parents. 17 Reasons Why Getting a Dog for your Teen is a Great Idea! Most owners of working Border Collies are happy with the dogs friendly natures and herding abilities. Border Collies are a type of herding dog that is well-known for their intelligence and athleticism. They are known for their intelligence, athleticism, and trainability. There are dogs that need hardly any exercise and are happy laying around all day. In addition to the daily exercise, they also need constant mental stimulation or training. Read more here. Which one fits better in the office? You need to be creative with them when training! One of the most distinctive features of the Border Collie is their long nose, which can be up to Are Border Collies One-person Dogs? If you dont take the time to properly socialize your Border Collie while they are young he can become very shy, standoffish, and possibly reactive. *Thecolienois.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees at no cost to you by linking to Amazon.com. They can also get mental stimulation from toys made specifically for this. Will they be okay indoors? And its good manners extend to cats as well as people. But if you rather spend your time chilling in front of the fire reading a good book, dont get a Border Collie! Border Collies must begin training as soon as possible because they may become destructiveif not given enoughmental stimulation. Unfortunately, because theyre so focused on their people, Border Collies are another dog breed that might be at a higher risk of developing separation anxiety, says Burch. 4 worst choice for first-time dog owners would likely agree. If you arent confident in your dog training abilities and able to be an assertive yet loving pack leader in your collies life the smart Border Collie will pick up on that quickly and take advantage of you in a heartbeat. As soon as your Border Collie puppy finishes eating take it to the toilet spot and use the words go potty. A good first dog should be highly trainable and have a naturally friendly temperament towards other dogs and people. We get out at least once a day but usually more. Because of this, Border Collies are not suited for first-time owners who have allergies or are not used to or prepared for grooming and brushing the large dog. Of course, you shouldnt forget about adorable mutts. Questions to ask your Border Collie breeder before your visit. Training Buster also participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. When Border Collie puppy starts to go potty, praise it for doing its business. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'trainingbuster_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',161,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-banner-1-0');Theyre no guard dog, but the Border Collie will surely chase away anything that moves, and if they cant access or identify the moving object, theyll bark at it to let you know even at two in the morning. With that being said, the amount of exercise requiredreally depends on the dog. ), but dont overdo it; going overboard and bathing your dog too frequently can irritate their skin. One of the smartest Border Collies ever, named Chaser has learned over 1000 words including distinguishing nouns and verbs. So, if you love to accept challenges and crave wonders, you can have a big opportunity to learn and enjoy yourself with a great furry friend. Do Border Collies make good house pets? If you use these links to buy something we earn a small commission. He's originally from Ontario, Canada and his breeder is from England. This can be very frustrating for new dog owners who are just learning how to train a dog. Yet they need lots of attention. His experiences have given him an intimate understanding of the unique bond between humans and animals, and he's looking forward to sharing his knowledge and insights with readers. Additionally, Thecollienois.com participates in various other affiliate programs (clickbank, CJ, shareasale, impact radius, partnerize, Chewy), and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Border collies are working canines and therefore need to be given a job every day; otherwise, they may turn to more destructive forms of entertainment. During the weekend I would do many activities with her, just the week is a bit tight. But if you are the type of person who gets frustrated easily or wants a low-maintenance dog, we would not recommend getting one! Because they are so smart Border Collies can be highly reactive and sensitive. From understanding their behavior to keeping them safe and playing with them they offer advice and research-backed guidance on all aspects of owning a Border Collie. My partner and I decided to get a BC in April last year. are border collies good for first time owners, software analysis of the salaries of a random, american leopard hound vs catahoula leopard dog. Read more about this in the How To Prevent Separation Anxiety in Collies. If you think about their history, Border Collies were bred to run around the fields and work hard each day. Im not saying its impossible to have a well-behaved Border Collie as an apartment dog. As a Chewy Associate The Collienois earns from qualifying purchases. Affiliate Disclosure: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. Border Collies are an extremely intelligent breed requiring both frequent physical exercise and mental stimulation. As an Amazon Associate, The Collienois earns from qualifying purchases. Are you ready to have a dog that needs to be constantly challenged? However, if this is your first time owning a dog, you may be wondering if a Border Collie is still the best choice. Welcome to Howling & Growling, my blog about all things collies. It may sometimes be too noisy or otherwise too stimulating for a Border Collie to spend time outdoors. I wonder if the high energy/ nature of the breed is waning because breeders are choosing more chilled, easy going parents for their pups? This can include chasing flies, chasing shadows, or even incessant licking! Shes the most chilled creature I ever seen. This dog is high maintenance it needs training, stimulation and plenty of exercise. Wherever I go, my beloved collie Luna is never far behind!Learn More about me and Luna's story on the about page! What is this? They can be stubborn and need people with some time and patience, and space in their lives. Our girl is now a full sized 16 month, brilliant dog. Essentially, theyre trying to herd you, and theyre mimicking the livestock herding behavior they were originally bred for. Collies are some of the most common breeds in animal shelters due in part to new owners not being prepared for the vast amount of time and effort required to look after a collie. This means they are generally only suited to people who like a challenge. For example, as seen in the linked video, Border Collies are sensitive and dislike sudden noises like a toaster or doorbell. I'm an experienced collie owner from Scotland and the original founder of Howling and Growling. Have you ever noticed that Border Collies are featured in many Hollywood movies, commercials, and hit tv shows? My brother has taught his Border Collie to find and retrieve antler sheds! Border Collies are famous for using the eye staring intensely at members of the flock to intimidate them. You will need to be prepared to spend a lot of time playing with teaching and coming up with activities for your Border Collie to do. Border Collies heritage stems from sheep herding, making them excellent watchdogs; theyre well suited to anyone who loves a good walk and has time to spend outdoors. How much exercise do Border Collies need (puppies and adults) ColliePerfect.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Generally, these dogs are very obedient, and they need their owners command and acknowledgment most of the time. If you do not want to spend a minimum hour per day simply maintaining a dogs coat, then its best to stay clear of rough collies. If your Border Collie doesnt get enough exercise they can turn to destructive behaviors as well as whine cry and bark a lot! As much as you can give them. Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots? One of the main reasons I wanted a dog was for the soft, warm, furry cuddles. Any aggressiveness in collies is usually caused by fear, as collies can be skittish and take a long time to trust new people in their lives. If you take your dog on an extra muddy adventure, you can up the frequency (you dont want mud tracks all over your house! Theyre intelligent, trainable and have many useful qualities as a family pet or working animal. Im away about 6-7 hours in the day. But he wasnt that way when I first got him. We love to walk to the forest, beaches and in the natures frequently. The border collie is a dog breed that got its start in the United Kingdom. This is another reason to keep them busy, mentally stimulated, and well-socialized. At Muddy Noses you'll find articles covering care, training, exercise, puppies, first time owners and breed information. Are you ready for daily training (Or at least multiple times a week)? Yes . Ill be away for school for 8 hours in the fall so would that be alright? This is because it is in their nature as a herding breed to bark commands to the livestock and bark to get attention from their owners. You must ensure you have a few hours spare each day to invest into training your collie so if you work long hours and like to hit the gym or grab a few drinks at a bar after work then a border collie will not be a good first dog for you. The positive in all this is that if a border collie gets the proper exercise/training, they can be beyond wonderful household dogs. Poodles. Border Collies require at least two hours of off-leash exercise every day and lots of daily mental stimulation to keep their minds healthy and avoid behavioral problems. We also have the advantage of living in a dog friendly area, so teaching her indoor manners when going for dinner, etc., has become our favourite sport, and its adequately challenging for her as well! CL. Before making any diagnosis, starting a treatment plan, or otherwise changing your pets diet or habits, you should always consult a professional veterinarian. With proper training by an experienced owner, they can make a good family pet. Border collies are a type of working dog bred for herding livestock. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you and for your best friend. Im thinking of getting a border collie as a first time dog but have worries about the horror experiences. This is because they often do not realize the Manage Settings Affectionate? It is essential to be aware of any health issues that your dog may be predisposed to so that you can be educated and prepared. As a breed, Border Collies are playful, intelligent dogs, who have traditionally herded sheep and cattle using their incredible unique stare called their eye all over the world. There is a reason this breed of dog is used for herding, because they have the ability to concentrate fully on the task in hand to herd sheep no matter what is going on round about them. Border collies were bred for their intelligence and obedience. If you want to adopt a border collie, and you are confused if the two of you will make a good match or not, you are in the right place. They come from the region around the border between Scotland and England. These dogs are bred to work, and if they arent given a lot of exercises, they can become destructive. Not all Border Collies bark a lot and you can train them not to bark, but it does take some time and effort. If you take the time to introduce them properly over a few weeks, then they will be perfectly fine together. If you arent willing to invest the time and cost into learning how to train and teach your Border Collie, then this isnt the right breed for you. However, if you are an outdoorsy individual who regularly goes hiking, camping, running or even cycling then a collie could be your perfect first dog. The Border Collie definitely isnt content to be stuck in a yard all day long. Since they are herding dogs, border collies are full of energy. My border collie mix (BC and red heeler) is very chill. Theyre friendly with people and other animals, making them suitable family pets. The Border Collie is a highly adaptable dog, able to thrive contentedly in most situations theyre not just a farm dog. Therefore, over time, breeders have developed a warm, insulating coat to rival the fleeces of the sheep the breed is known for rounding up. The Border Collie has large ears that sit flat against the dogs head. Many people agree that Border Collies are the smartest dog breed in the world. Twice a year they shed, even more, when they blow their coats (change coats for the seasons). Border collies are sporting herding dogs and they will not hesitate to chase and herd anything that got lose sleds, cows, sheep, golf carts it doesnt matter if you live in the country or not. Pet Keen is reader-supported. Collies need lots of puzzle toys and one on one time spent learning tricks or developing their training with their owner. They were bred to herd sheep, and if not given enough exercise and meaningful tasks to do, they can be found herding any living thing around them including, cats, your children, or even you! Always feed your Border Collie puppy at the same time each day so you know when it needs to go to the toilet. However, if you lead an active lifestyle and regularly go hiking, running or cycling and can spare some additional time for grooming then a rough collie could just be your perfect first dog. For the average person, Border Collies are probably not a good first dog. The Border Collie is an incredibly intelligent dog who picks up both good and bad behaviors in an instant. Just look on YouTube, you will see countless videos on the escape of the Border Collie. Therefore, if you are a novice owner, you may find it easy to train female dogs.
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