Fee: The reciprocity fee, also known as the visa issuance fee, you must pay. Compulsory conscription has been in effect since 1926, when Reza Shah's Military Service Act was passed by the Majlis. January 2009. Alternate Documents:An expired birth certificate will have IS DECEASED stamped on the pages. Charles Recknagel. Of the three services, the air force fared best in this respect, as it had always done. Copyright notice: This document is published with the permission of the copyright holder and producer Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). V-2 and V-3 status is limited to persons who have not yet attained their 21st birthday. The Iranians who fought on the frontlines during the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988 are retired. Posts may not issue a T-1 visa. Lawyers, for example, may work as the equivalent of a US military judge advocate general, investigating crimes committed by service members. Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. After the bitter experience of the Donald Trump administrations Muslim ban, subsequent withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, and maximum pressure campaign, easing restrictions on the immigration of innocent Iranians, who had no choice about serving in the IRGC, could be a collateral benefit of restoring the JCPOA. In addition, the law provides exemptions for those with severe medical conditions or the bread winners of the family. Comments: Available but unreliable. I know this rules but since 2019 there is no possibility anymore to buy your military service off ! Court and prison documents are not required because posts cannot verify them. Iran's 1986 population of approximately 48.2 million (including approximately 2.6 million refugees) gave the armed forces a large pool from which to fill its manpower needs, despite the existence . And this does not mean that persons who would obviously qualify as conscientious objectors do not exist. December 2010. Nevertheless, most of these exemptions are only valid in peacetime and those carrying an exemption card are required to report for duty if there is wartime mobilization. "Iran Cuts Military Service Term." The Iranian and Iraqi "TD" is no fee with one entry over a period of 3 months. Arash Karami. They are also often mistreated by officers. I would end up being picked by the IRIAF, but the process was arbitrary. Those living outside of Iran may apply for the card by submitting a special form to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition to marriages and divorces having their own documentation, the information should also be recorded in both parties' shenasnameh (birth certificate) documents. Certified Copies Available:Not available. 1- They must have been exited the country before 1382/12/29. Exemptions were given only to solve family problems. Vietnam War: 2/28/61 - 5/7/75 *. A 14 October 2008 article by Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports that, according to the state-run Fars News Agency, General Kamali stated that military service would be reduced by 1 to 2 months, adding "the term was 17 monthsand now it has been cut to 16 months." 2014). The duration of compulsory military service ranges from 18 to 24 months, depending on the geographical location of the conscript service. Al-Monitor reports that in December 2013, General Kamali indicated that Iran is "reviewing its policy of offering a reduction in service time for those who are married" (19 Dec. 2013). Sources note that refusing to serve in the army without an exemption can result in not being granted a driver's license (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Human Rights Watch Dec. 2010, 23). The standard reciprocity fee and validity period for all non-Canadian "TD"s is no fee, issued for multiple entries for a period of 36 months, or for the duration of the principal alien's visa and/or authorized period of stay, whichever is less. 2014], Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases. He is also a PhD Candidate in International Relations at University of South Florida. Iran now has a largely conscripted force with limited military training and little combat experience. Rising tensions between Israel and Iran have reached an alarming stage in recent weeks. 2014], Iran. Out of the manpower pool of registrants about 17,000,000 available at that time, over 10,000,000 were drafted [the total number who served was over 16,000,000, as younger men became of draft age]. "Compensated Living Kidney Donation in Iran: Donor's Attitude and Short-Term Follow-up." Under the amended law, men of draft age were subject to conscription, whether in war or peace, for a minimum period of two years and could be recalled as needed. In the United States, enlistments for the Union Army totalled 2,672,341 [2,489,836 white, 178,975 African American, and 3,530 Native American troops], while estimates of enlistment strength for the Confederate Army ranges from 750,000 to 1,227,890. Aligning the text of the Luxury Goods Sanctions at EAR 746.10 with the . Women may volunteer but are exempt from military service (as of 2019). Moreover, all exemptions, except for physical disabilities, were only for five years. [Accessed 13 Mar. IranSource N.d. "About Press TV." }, Page last modified: Correspondence from the Main Representative to the United Nations. 9. There is no reciprocity fee for the issuance of a J visa if the alien is a United States Government grantee or a participant in an exchange program sponsored by the United States Government. Registration Criteria: There are no registration criteria. Iranian-citizen males aged 18-34 are required to perform military service, unless exempt. For those who live in the country, paying to avoid military service has not always been offered" (Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. 2014). The Iranian government may reinstitute the national military service buy-out scheme in 2019 to make up for the current deficit in the Iranian military budget, ISNA (Iranian Students News Agency) reported, quoting Kamal Dehghani, the deputy chair of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament.) Sina Azodi. Sign in to follow this . These marriages are performed by ecclesiastical authorities and are not registered with the government. [Accessed 20 Mar. 2014], Taghvim.com. Denying so many young men the chance to pursue their dreams for crimes they didnt commit deprives the United States of their potential contribution and is at odds with the ideals on which the United States was founded. 2012)] is 15 (ibid. Document Name:Kart-e Sarbazi (military card); Kart-e Payan-e Khedmat doreye Zaroorat (service completion card); or Kart-e Moafiyat az khedmate doreye zaroorat (exemption card). In the United States by the year 2018, obesity was among other shortcomings such as physical fitness deficiencies and lack of a high school diploma that disqualified about 70% of 17-to-24-year-olds from serving. There are limited exemptions available but the option to buy out of military service has been reintroduced for some people. 504 of the 1996 Tazi'rat (the Islamic criminal code): "Whoever manages to incite the armed forces, or who in one way or another assists the armed forces, to rebellion, desertion, surrender or non-performance of their military duties shall be considered a Muhaarib if he intended to overturn the government or to enable the defeat of own forces by the enemy; otherwise, if the actions taken by him have been effective he will be sentenced to from two to ten years' imprisonment, and if they are not, he will be sentenced to six months' to three years' imprisonment." (US 26 Feb. 2014). 2014], _____. The decision to encourage women to join in the military effort may indicate an increasing demand for personnel or an effort to gain increased popu lar support for the Revolution. Young men who have turned 17 years of age will not be allowed to leave Iran without completing their military service. N.d. "About Us." "Iran May Cut Mandatory Military Service." The following dependents of a T-1 visa holder, however, may be issued a T visa at a U.S. consular office abroad: The validity of NATO-5 visas may not exceed the period of validity of the employment contract or 12 months, whichever is less. "Iran Intends to Extend Duration of Military Service - Commander." Like most draftees around the world, Iranians are eager return to civilian life as soon as their mandatory enlistment ends. Under the 1984 law, draft evaders were subject to restrictions for a period of up to ten years. IranSource provides a holistic look at Irans internal dynamics, global and regional policies, and posture through unique analysis of current events and long-term, strategic issues related to Iran. Human Rights Watch reports that "several individuals who had received exemptions based on their sexual orientation" faced discrimination in employment, "because their identification cards stated the reasons for their exemption as 'behavioural disorders' such as 'sexual deviancy'" (Dec. 2010, 24). 27 March 2014. G-1, G-2, and G-3 visa applicants must submit their applications to either U.S. Embassy Bern or U.S. Embassy Vienna. First, it separated homosexuality from transsexuality and no longer categorized transsexuality as a form of sexual perversion, and transsexuals were thus afforded the right to permanent military exemption. being the only son of the family. ! are an Iranian national with a valid Iranian passport, and. The validity of H-1 through H-3, O-1 and O-2, P-1 through P-3, and Q visas may not exceed the period of validity of the approved petition or the number of months shown, whichever is less. N.d.a. These cards facilitate the United States in honoring its host country obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR), [] International Relations: (+9821)66746460 Alireza's military service exemption card made it plain that he was homosexual On Tuesday, May 4, a young ethnic Arab man in Ahvaz was murdered because of his sexual orientation. "Iran and Israel: Comparing Military Machines." The Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy will look into the governments reasons for excluding the proposal from its 2019/20 budget given the fact that the conscription buy-out was allowed in previous years., Dehghani explained: Barring any objections from the government, the Majlis will include the proposal in next years budget. N.d. The World Factbook. "Iran's Basij: Membership in a Militant Islamist Organization." Public Relations: (+9821)66709666 Evidence suggests that those wishing to obtain an exemption on the grounds of their sexuality/gender identity have to undergo numerous humiliating physical and psychological tests and exams and provide intimate information regarding their life. Al-Monitor reports that in December 2013, General Kamali stated that "[b]ecause of its discriminatory nature, paying off military service was never desired by the armed forces, and that option has been closed" (19 Dec. 2013). Since Canadian nationals generally are exempt from visa requirement, a Canadian "TN' or "TD" alien does not require a visa to enter the United States. Information and instructions are available online at:https://www.sabteahval.ir/enhttps://www.sabteahval.ir/en. Document Name:Govahiye Fot (Death Certificate). UkraineAlert is a comprehensive online publication that provides regular news and analysis on developments in Ukraines politics, economy, civil society, and culture. In 1984 the Majlis passed a new Military Act that amended conscription laws to reduce the high number of draft dodgers. number of entries, and validity period for visas issued to applicants from this country*/area of authority. Types Available (Regular, Diplomatic, Official, etc. Temporary marriages cannot be used to confer immigration benefits and do not substantiate eligibility for either marriage-based immigrant visa classes or for derivative status of any visa class. What is the general policy for people who wish to obtain visas to come to the United States (U.S.)? In December 2013, General Kamali stated that "[b]ecause of its discriminatory nature, paying off military service was never desired by the armed forces, and that option has been closed" (19 Dec. 2013). It is slightly smaller in size than the old version and has covers and quality reminiscent of passports. Individuals may volunteer for active duty at age 16. Sources state that, the recruitment age of the Basij Forces ["a paramilitary volunteer militia" (Al Jazeera 24 Apr. (Iran n.d.b). In correspondence with the Research Directorate, the Main Representative to the UN for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), a Netherlands-based organization founded in 1914 that is "against war and its preparation" (IFOR n.d.) with "branches, affiliates and groups in more than 40 countries" (NP n.d.), "who has been monitoring issues of military service and conscientious objection world-wide with a view to reporting [and] briefing treaty bodies and other UN mechanisms and procedures" indicated that "there are no provisions for alternate service" in Iran (IFOR 18 Mar. I am from Iranian descent and I left/ fled Iran about 10 years ago when I was around 20 years old. Since the beginning of 1986, women had also been en couraged to receive military training, and women were actually serving in special Pasdaran units as of late 1987. In general males are expected to serve for a period of 20 months and for service in impoverished areas, the duration can last 24 months while service in boundary areas can last 22 months. Of that number, an estimated 220,000 were conscripts. The news met with widespread outrage. The IHRDC reports on doctors who have written letters to the Military Service Office indicating that the individual seeking a military exemption based on sexual preference needed "sex-reassignment surgery" (IHRDC 19 June 2013). Of about 8 million males between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, nearly 6 million were considered physically and mentally fit for military service. [Accessed 20 Mar. Some indicate why the cardholder was exempted from military service. [Accessed 20 Mar. They were tasked with randomly picking conscripts. Master and bachelor graduates will serve 8 and 6 months lesser respectively. Iran's 1986 population of approximately 48.2 million (including approximately 2.6 million refugees) gave the armed forces a large pool from which to fill its manpower needs, despite the existence of rival irregular forces. 7 Nov. 2013). . Iranian males 18 to 49 years of age are legally eligible for conscription, for an active service term of 18 months followed by voluntary reserve service. The first page includes a summary of the certificate holders personal information such as place of birth and parents first names and birth certificate numbers. . 2) Exemption from military service is available on several grounds. Check carefully whether this total is listed in Iranian rials or tomans (one toman is ten rials), and check the conversion rate as the total in dollars is often an incorrect. but she kept asking for it ! Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents. General Kamali, the chief conscription officer of the armed forces, stated 19 December 2013 that "many exemptions, deductions and options to pay to avoid military service will be removed" in the "following year". But the. Alireza Heidary Roushi, Mitra Mahdavi-Mazdeh, Mahnaz Zamyadi. [Accessed 13 Mar. [Accessed 25 Mar. Individuals who have a handicap or suffer from a certain illness and are thus not in a complete state of health, however yet well capable of carrying out non-combat/military-related services in offices. A T-1 applicant must be physically present in the United States, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands or a U.S. port of entry, where he/she will apply for an adjustment of status to that of a T-1. 24 April 2012. There's no guarantee she will issue you a visa even if you're able to do so. "Witness Statement of Milad." Sources state that people who refuse military service cannot get a passport (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). Two witnesses are required. The card showing either the exemption or completion of military service is vital to function in Iranian society and is required for even basic things such as getting passports. #ga-ad {display: none;} Diplomatic Sales Tax Exemption Cards The Department's Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) issues diplomatic tax exemption cards to eligible foreign missions and their accredited members and dependents on the basis of international law and reciprocity. Iranian soldier with his commander (1950s) Conscription was first introduced by Reza Shah in June 1925 and approved as law by the National Consultative Assembly. Sina Azodi. The BBC reports that, according to Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA), General Musa Kamali, the Vice Commander of the Headquarters for Human Resources of the Iranian Armed Forces, was quoted as saying that "the duration of military service is 18 months in combat and in insecure regions, 19 months in the regions which are deprived of facilities and have bad weather conditions, 21 months in other places, and 24 months in government offices" ( 26 Dec. 2013). A figure of 300 was quoted by a spokesman for the "Ahwazi organisation for defense of human rights" at the UN Minority Forum last summer [2013]. People who refuse military service cannot get a passport. Iranian medical exemption laws for military service are indications of legal discrimination against homosexual and transsexual people in Iran. "M" means multiple times. 2- They must have lived at least 2 years in the foreign country. Further and corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at, Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 15:25 GMT, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Iran : information sur le service militaire, y compris sur l'ge du recrutement, la dure du service, les motifs d'exemption, la possibilit d'effectuer un service de remplacement et le traitement rserv par les autorits aux personnes qui refusent de faire leur service militaire; information indiquant si des sanctions sont imposes aux objecteurs de conscience, Military service / Conscientious objection / Desertion / Draft evasion / Forced conscription, Persecution on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. (A Muhaarib is someone who takes up arms against the Islamic government). The first compulsory military service bill was passed ninety-six years ago, during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi. Shortly afterwards, the Iranian lesbian and transgender network 6Rang (Six Colours) named the victim as 20-year-old Ali Fazeli Monfared, known as Alireza. Police records are not required for immigrant visa applicants because posts cannot verify them. Human Rights Watch adds that gay and transgender Iranians who are exempted from military service "are not immune from harassment and abuse" and that doctors have reportedly pressured gay men seeking exemption to apply for exemption as transsexuals instead (Dec. 2010, 25). Temporary student exemptions may also be substantiated by a letter from the conscription authority and proof of the students bond payment to exit Iran. In addition, an applicant is eligible for an exemption from the MRV fee if he or she is participating in a State Department, USAID, or other federally funded educational and cultural exchange program (program serial numbers G-1, G-2, G-3 and G-7). Both versions include a space for notes, death information, and where the registration office records any changes or corrections to the information in the document, such as a legal name change or a correction to the date or place of birth. "Iran." Q-2 (principal) and Q-3 (dependent) visa categories are in existence as a result of the 'Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Act of 1998'. The new version presents the spouses information on two facing pages and the childrens information on a subsequent page. The conscript military service obligation is 18-24 months. 2014], United Kingdom (UK). Validity Period: This generally means the visa is valid, or can be used, from the date it is issued until the date it expires, for travel with that visa. Joint Report from the Danish Immigration Service, the Norwegian Landinfo and Danish Refugee Council's Fact-finding Mission to Tehran, Iran, Ankara, Turkey and London, United Kingdom. In 2019, the US State Department designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, an unprecedented action against the military of a foreign state. The validity of E-2C visas shall not exceed the maximum initial period of admission allowed by DHS (24 months) or the duration of the transition period ending December 31, 2014, whichever is shortest. Danish Refugee Council, LANDINFO, Danish Immigration Service. In Iran's military protocol, homosexuality is defined as a type of mental abnormality, and more specifics are . 2014]. By However, unlike their government, which has hostile relations with the United States, many of these draftees yearn to pursue a better life in the US and fulfill their dreams. Most IRGC draftees end up doing similar jobs, too, including running personal errands for officers. 2014], Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). Thousands of Iranians attend a funeral for 150 Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) unknown Martyrs that have found by the Iranian Martyrs investigation group in the war main field 34-years after a ceasefire between Iran and Iraq in 1988. This effectively barred any Iranian who had served in the IRGCconscript or otherwisefrom entering the United States. Money: Non-Iranian credit cards and bank cards cannot be used in Iran. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Allowing such people to travel to the United States can also be an effective tool to counter the propaganda of the Islamic Republic, which positions the US as the enemy of Iranians. Further information on the implementation of the proposed service extension could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. The death certificate issued by the physician, hospital, or cemetery official; or the presence of two witnesses before the relevant civil registration office. If the candidate gave any suggestive evidence of emotional instability, such as nervousness at the time of examination, sweaty hands, or expressed fears, he was usually rejected. Number of Entries: The number of times you may seek entry into the United States with that visa. Further and corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. And you need to apply to the embassy for an "exit stamp" (mohr e khorooj) . Agence France-Presse (AFP). 9 November to 20 November 2012 and 8 January to 9 January 2013. "We are a Buried Generation." Under the pre-revolutionary law, temporary or permanent exemptions were provided for the physically disabled, hardship cases, convicted felons, students, and certain professions. : 2161 New Atlanticist is where top experts and policymakers at the Atlantic Council and beyond offer exclusive insight on the most pressing global challengesand the United States role in addressing them alongside its allies and partners. In the past, the color of exemption cards differed, and those issued based on sexual orientation were red, but today all cards are one color and the number of the section or addendum on which an exemption is based appears on the card. Many applicants also submit titles and deeds to apartments and property. Registration Criteria: Newborn children; people who are changing their names; people who have lost their original birth certificate; and people who have reached the age of 15 and need to add their photo to the document (if between age 15 and 18, the individuals parent must apply). The birth certificate booklet and national identification card of the deceased (if available); The birth certificate of the deceaseds spouse (if applicable); and. This is not a UNHCR publication. This fee is in addition to the nonimmigrant visa application fee (MRV fee). Original Iranian Birth Certificate (Shenasname), and photocopies of all the pages of the Birth Certificate(This document must contain an ID photo for those above 15 years of age. Document Name:Sanad-e aghd; Sanad Sanad-e ezdevaj (Marriage Certificate), Issuing Authority:National Organization of Registration of Documents and Property (Sazman-e Sabt-e Asnad va Amlak-e Keshvar), Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:Red/burgundy booklet, off-white pages with handwritten data, Issuing Authority Personnel Title:Notary public. Any Iranian man who fails to provide documentation about the status of his military service cannot obtain a passport or conduct legal businesses. Issuing Authority:Iranian Public Conscription Organization (since 1980), under the Law Enforcement Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran (NAJA); Imperial Armed Forces (before 1980). The NGO said the three male members of his family took him to the village of Borumi, western Iran, and murdered him there. Clean record certificates can be obtained in Iran or from Iranian Embassies and Consulates, and the physical appearance of the certificate changes significantly depending on which authority issued it. Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Completion of Military Service or Exemption from Service, or filling out Formno.104 for granting permission to exit once a year (for those required to do Military service and those born after 1338 (1959) who have not yet done their service and are not in possession of any Exemptions and have left the Registration Criteria:A notary public (daftar-e asnad-e rasmi) registers divorces and marriages for Muslims and those who practice recognized minority religions (Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism). military service of the penalties likely to be faced if the person refuses to undertake, evades, or deserts from, military service 1.2 Points to note 1.2.1 Military service is compulsory for all males aged between 18 and 49 although there are some grounds for exemption (see Eligibility).
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