It has also decided to free from jail Abdul Latif Nasir, the Al-Qaeda commander who helped the Taliban blow up the statues of Buddha in Afghanistan in 2001. The attacker's "intention was clearly to kill me,"but the "police do not want to arrest a Muslim for fear of being called 'Islamophobic,'" she continued. with intent to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence will be used against him or another by any person, or to provoke the immediate use of unlawful violence by that person or another, or whereby that person is likely to believe that such violence will be used or it is likely that such violence will be provoked. She has been arrested twice in the past year. My attacker was not even afraid of the police, as he did it right in front of them. Hatun will doubtless be back at Speakers Corner next Sunday where she will be shadowed covertly by men with warrant cards in their pockets. (1)A person is guilty of an offence if he, (a)uses towards another person threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or. Her Charlie Hebdo T-shirt had a cartoon showing a man kissing a cartoonist with the slogan 'L'amour plus fort que la haine' (love is stronger than hate). Of course not. Mark Duell for MailOnline, Orthodox Christian leader likens Sydney's Covid lockdown to 'mass slavery' and claims vaccines are futile in sermon, Afghan farmer denies he's allowed to lie to 'infidel' Australian courts under Islamic law while giving evidence against war hero Ben Roberts-Smith, Anjem Choudary is BANNED from Facebook and Twitter just FIVE days after the Islamic hate preacher set up social media accounts. Christian evangelist Hatun Tash was stabbed today at Speakers' Corner in London. The 39-year-old is a former Muslim from Turkey who is now a prominent critic of Islam and believes Muslims should be encouraged to convert to Christianity. "Wall Street Journal" reporter Daniel Pearl was murdered by terrorists in Pakistan in 2002. 'Watching the video, the intention is clearly to kill me. Sign in Muslim Man Attacks Hatun Tash. Thevideo shows her out cold, surrounded by alarmed friends. Hatun Tash, 39, a frequent Christian proselytizer seen at the Hyde Park location, was attacked and stabbed several times by a man dressed in black with a hood and face mask aiming his stabs at her throat and body. Ms Tash since claims to have had police officers turning up at her house trying to speak to her and pressurising her not to talk to broadcast media, before she did an interview with GB News on Wednesday. In 2015, 12 employees were killed in an attack by extremist brothers Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi. Two weeks before she was stabbed, Ms Tash started legal proceedings against the Met Police over allegations of false arrest and imprisonment. She has had many heated discussions with Islamic preachers and others, and has previously been attacked for brandishing a Koran which had been pierced with holes and waving a cartoon image of the Prophet Mohammed depicted as a crying baby. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. (YouTube screenshot) On Sunday at the famed Speakers' Corner in London's Hyde Park, Hatun Tash, a convert from Islam to Christianity who frequently . I have taken it upon myself to make a petition in order to get hate preacher Hatun Tash banned from speakers corner for inciting hatred and violence towards Muslims. Ms Tash is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre with her legal action against the police. But when she looked down to see her bloody hand cut open like a chicken, she fainted in shock. 17:22 GMT 21 Oct 2022. No arrest had been made as of Monday night. But its not just the Islamists targeting of the Jews that the West ignores. Not content with attacking Islam for the usual reasons Christian apologists do, Hatun has adduced physical evidence that Islam is wrong. Will you do the same? We are no longer accepting comments on this article. "I have seen her in action myself, and she is incredibly well-informed on Islamic apologetics and an expert in engaging in the cut-and-thrust debate that occurs there," Dr. Dieppe observed. "Police inaction has led to what happened to me yesterday," Tash said, noting that from video of the incident it is clear the intention of her attacker was to kill her. The Christian refugee from Turkey fled to Britain to escape persecution following her conversion from Islam to Christianity. She has been countered intelligently at times, although an atheist might marvel at the vitriol heaped on both sides who are each peddling their own revealed truths. Speakers Corner has, since the 19th century, been a place for open-air free speech, a key element in any healthy democracy. In relation to Ms Tash's claims, a Met Police spokesman said: "We can confirm the MPS is in receipt of a claim made by a woman in her 30s in relation to interaction with police on two occasions. The man filming the clip says: What did I just witness, oh my God.. Im not that friendly now.. That was okay, she recalls, but I was never able to have proper discussions. When she first visited Speakers Corner in 2013 and watched more forceful Christian preachers at work, she realised that many of the Muslims in the crowd couldnt answer basic challenges to their own faith. Otherwise, Ill just keep my peace. "She's been attacked on many previous occasions, both in and outside Speakers' Corner, including being knocked unconscious at Speakers' Corner in October 2020," he stressed. The fact nobody is allowed to say this or criticise Islam says it all about where we are at.". Speaking about the incident, Ms Tash said: 'I am upset and disturbed by what has happened to me. Hatun and her organisation are regular attendees at speakers corner and specifically go there to offend and antagonize Muslims. But there is method in her madness. Salafi hecklers had attempted to hijack the dialogue, so she wanted to wrap up. She claimed a lack of action from police contributed to her being knifed. Speakers' Corner is known for being a place where people can freely express their opinions. Having said that, she was extremely lucky, because if it hadnt been raining, if her assailant had put more thought into the attack, or if he hadnt feared the consequences and run off, we could be looking at a murder here. Wednesday July 28 2021, 9.00am BST, The Times. In September 2020, footage emerged of an Islamic mob surrounding her and issuing death threats. Hatun is a vocal critic of Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran, as well as a prominent defender of freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and she was wearing a Charlie Hebdo shirt when she was attacked.To subscribe to DCCI Ministries: the SOCO Films footage of the attack: the Apostate Prophet's video about the stabbing (\"Hatun Tash STABBED by Muslim at Speaker's Corner!\"): #SpeakersCorner #Stabbing Charlie Hebdo is a French satirical weekly magazine. She also contributed to the Lexham Press anthology Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson. Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, told MailOnline: 'It is extraordinary that the attacker is still at large given the video evidence and witnesses at the scene, some of whom, we believe, know him. View our online Press Pack. ', The Metropolitan Police told MailOnline that no arrests have been made, but officers from SO15 Counter Terrorism Command are 'working hard to follow up all lines of enquiry and identify the person responsible for this attack'. Ms Tash was later seen clutching her right hand close to her body and with what appeared to be blood at her temple as she was helped into a police van by officers who were nearby. The man who fled London's Speakers' Corner Sunday after stabbing a Christian woman multiple times is still at large. The gunmen said they were taking revenge for the magazine's publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that many Muslims find offensive. Then, with her face covered in blood, she begins preaching to the crowd. "In the past, they have seen it as easier to remove me than to deal with people intimidating and threatening me. Such Islamists believe that the Jews control the West; so to attack the West, they must attack the Jews. She will return to Speakers' Corner. She will return to Speakers' Corner. To remain anonymous, witnesses can instead call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, By The sinister rise of drag shows for children, The spy movie that set Putin on the path to the KGB, Our Russian sanctions are only helping Vladimir Putin, Is Putin winning? Hatun Tash said that over the past two years she had been verbally and physically assaulted at Speakers' Corner. Hatun is a regular at Speakers Corner on Sunday mornings; this isnt the first time she has been physically attacked there; she has also been arrested. Its agenda was driven by hatred of Jews. She was treated at the scene by the LAS before being taken to a central London hospital. For a few years, Hatun collaborated with American evangelist Jay Smith. When I ask how many of these were imams, she pauses. Scotland Yard was today criticised for failing to catch a knifeman five days after he stabbed a Christian preacher wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt at Speakers' Corner, as counter-terrorism officer continue to investigate. That was because the magazine had published cartoons making fun of Islams founder, Mohammed. Mark Duell for MailOnline Have a news tip? Hatun tash is a ex Muslim from Turkey who now works for a organisation called DCCI (Defend Christ Critique Islam). In total, she estimates she has converted easily over a 1,000 Muslims since 2013. Officers attended and found a 39-year-old woman suffering from a minor slash injury to her head. Im not that friendly now. She used to stand in front of mosques and hand out welcoming leaflets with messages like Jesus loves you.. Make war on them any place that you find yourself. Hatun is fearless. She wishes the front didnt get all the attention, but shes not ashamed of it. Hatun has expressed she received multiple death threats yet still puts herself in danger in order to prove her self as a lioness and a brave women. She has had many heated discussions with Islamic preachers and others, and has previously been attacked for brandishing a Koran which had been pierced with holes and waving a cartoon image of the Prophet Mohammed depicted as a crying baby. The first incident on December 20 last year saw Ms Tash arrested for breaching coronavirus regulations. Her work has appeared in Plough, Quillette, the American Conservative and the Critic, among other outlets. The hyper-sexualisation of childrens shows in the name of diversity and inclusion continues to grip the United Kingdom. Hatun and her organisation are regular attendees at speakers corner and specifically go there to offend and antagonize Muslims. DS Bingley also asked people not to 'speculate on the motive for the attack until we have established the full facts'. Detective Superintendent Alex Bingley, of the Central West Command Unit which covers policing in Westminster, said: 'This was clearly a very distressing incident for the woman involved and officers have spent time with her, whilst she was being treated for her injury, to get an account of what happened. The attacker, who is still at large, appeared to aim for her neck, but Hatun deflected the. Ms Tash has since been discharged from a hospital in London and Scotland Yard's SO15 Counter Terrorism Command are now leading the investigation. Not content with attacking Islam for the usual reasons Christian apologists do, Hatun has adduced physical evidence that Islam is wrong. Charlie Hebdo is the French newspaper that suffered a terrorist attack in 2016. DCCI Ministries states on its website: 'Our motivation is a love for Muslims to bring them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ in order to attain eternal life.'. After she was attacked, Tash collapsed with blood streaming down her face. The Christian refugee from Turkey fled to Britain If you appreciate the value of our news service and recognize how JNS stands out among the competition, please click on the link and make a one-time or monthly contribution. Yet this sustained and savage onslaught upon Christians has received virtually no media coverage in the West at all. Hatun Tash has been the victim of yet another assault by Muslims. From Saigon baby to US surfer and beyond. "Any further correspondence that alludes to such language will not be responded to," the staff officer to London's police commissioner Cressida Dick, wrote. "Hatun is the most effective Christian evangelist to Muslims that I know. Sadly, although this attack was potentially fatal, it is by no means a one-off. Ms Tash has previously been attacked for brandishing a Koran which had been pierced with holes and waving a cartoon image of the Prophet Mohammed depicted as a crying baby. I am asking myself if have done anything wrong? "They appear to know exactly who the attacker is. Ms Tash added: "I cant believe this has happened in broad daylight at Speakers Corner. Shortly afterwards, Ruth's brother died fighting in the Israel Defense Forces. Its (the) Lord Jesus Christ (that is) hope. Police inaction has led to what happened to me (on Sunday). Ms Tash said: "I am upset and disturbed by what has happened to me. Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens. "I am convinced I have not broken any law or incited hate. By Monthly: $10 a month She left her previous house last autumn when the police showed up to deliver an Osman warning. If you have a gift code you would like to redeem, click here. Thats why the West gets the Middle East conflict precisely backwards. Thats because it doesnt fit the narrative of the colonialist Christian West persecuting the Muslim world. I ask what went through her mind in that moment. 'We know that this assault was witnessed by a number of people, many of whom captured it on their phones. The victim was a woman named Hatun Tash; she was stabbed. Hatun tash is also a rape apologist when a rape victim came to hatun and told her she was raped by two Christians hatun replied by saying "well done". The preacher added that it is 'not about the blood on my hands' and continued: 'It is unacceptable that you are running away from Jesus Christ.'. In January 2002 her son, the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, was kidnapped by Al-Qaeda and beheaded nine days later. People dont even have the dignity to look into your eye and then give you their top five list why they want to kill youIt just says a lot about people. She laughs again. 'We would urge any witnesses or anyone with information who has not yet come forward to contact police. The next thing she recalls is asking them to help her stand back up. Speakers' Corner is located on the northeast edge of Hyde Park, near Marble Arch and Oxford Street. Officers based in Westminster are working alongside colleagues from the Royal Parks OCU to investigate and identify the person responsible.. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. She has turned heads for years with her controversial tactics at the Corner. Thats because it doesnt fit the liberal narrativethat Muslims are the victims of Western colonialist oppression. In October of this year, Hatun Tash was allegedly punched by a Muslim preacher at Speakers' Corner after she showed a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammed. These days, it seems to be an increasingly unsafe space, especially if you want to challenge Islam. The victim was a woman named Hatun Tash; she was stabbed. Hatun Tash, who fled Turkey and sought refuge in Britain after she was persecuted for converting to Christianity, told Church Militant she faced escalating threats after she began disproving. Hatun Tash, 39, a frequent Christian proselytizer seen at the Hyde Park location, was attacked and stabbed several times by a man dressed in black with a hood and face mask aiming his stabs at. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Hatun is associated with many hate preachers who publicly lie and incite violence towards the Muslim community. Have a news tip? And so her distinctive approach of apologetics and polemics together was born. In October 2020, Sadiq Khan was asked about Ms Tash at Mayor's Question Time and said police had escorted her out of Hyde Park 'for her own safety' after a large and hostile crowd had gathered around her. And by Gods grace, I said what I said.. Ms Tash was later seen clutching her right hand close to her body and with what appeared to be blood at her temple as she was helped into a police van by officers who were nearby. Jay Smith was physically assaulted more than once when he was challenging Moslems with the same rhetoric, somethingPosie Parkershould bear in mind when she cites the attack on Hatun as yet another example of men trying to silence women. She fell to the ground and was seen bleeding as crowds gathered around her. ", The complainant writes of witnessing "people of North Africanand Middle Eastern origin[also] physically assaulting other members of the Islamic religion. Many Muslims have converted through her ministry. She fell to the ground and was seen bleeding as crowds gathered around her. At some point she converted to Christianity, and like many apostates she went the extra mile condemning her former religion. He added that 'freedom of speech is a principle that I hold dear', adding: 'One of the best things about London is the fierce way in which we protect this right and people's ability to exercise it.'. Tash, who suffered wounds to her face and hands, is still recovering. When Britains former chief rabbi, the late Lord Sacks, asked Judea Pearl why he was working for reconciliation between Jews and Muslims, he replied: Hate killed my son. Our ability to cover the most important issues in Israel and throughout the Jewish worldwithout the standard media biasdepends on the support of committed readers. DCCI Ministries 'seeks to preach the Gospel to Muslims using apologetics and polemics', adding: 'Our motivation is a love for Muslims to bring them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ in order to attain eternal life.'. It strikes at the heart of what our society was built upon - freedom. ", Steve said the media were spinning the attempted murder by subtly transferring the blame to Tash for provoking her attacker by wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt, remarking: "I have been more appalled by both the response of the police and of the media coverage of the attack.". Needless to say, this has caused even more offence than herCharlie Hebdoshirt. The force also confirmed no arrests have been made. She tells me she started watching footage of the incident but couldnt bring herself to finish. Nevertheless, stabbing and potentially killing someone over such ultimately irresolvable differences is a step too far and then some. God can do better job without me. After the lynching in 2000 of two Israeli soldiers who had taken a wrong turn in Ramallah, Sheikh Ahmad abu Halabaya said on TV from Gaza City: It is forbidden to have mercy in your hearts for the Jews in any place and in any land. Join the conversation with other Spectator readers. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. The police have failed to protect her and instead have taken the easy option of arresting her and escorting her from the park, which has encouraged those who wish to harm and silence her. The preacher added that it is 'not about the blood on my hands' and continued: 'It is unacceptable that you are running away from Jesus Christ.'. "If Hatun is silenced by violence at Speakers' Corner, then we are all silenced. Currently a columnist for The Times of London, her personal and political memoir, Guardian Angel, has been published by Bombardier, which also published her first novel, The Legacy.Go tomelaniephillips.substack.comto access her work. Only 1 a week after your trial. I am Jewish, this had a resonance which would have escaped his murderer. He added that the force was not prepared to discuss this further. This appears to be run solely by her and her dog; it isnt a limited company or a charity, raising funds as do countless individuals nowadays by on-line donations, and while your website might be powered by WordPress, hers is Proudly powered by God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Hatun Tash, a regular speaker at London's Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park was today stabbed in the middle of the Corner in broad daylight. "Our freedom is hanging by a thread," said Williams. Tash, 39, was stabbed several times while she was wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-Shirt and was "preaching the Gospel" to Muslims, but is said to be fine after receiving medical attention. A video of the stabbing filmed by a witness shows a large group of people standing in the park. Theologian: Vatican II Justifies Hagia Sophia As Mosque, Jihadi Kills Catholics in Nices Notre-Dame, Jurist Parrots Pope: Dont Mock Muhammad.
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