Natal Uranus at 9 Sagittarius is square Mercury at 8 Pisces. type role for H or a possible investment by MM like the coffee? Just to add to the reference to the Daily Mail article about Irans comments about H, Britain in light of the recent execution in Iran. Thank you for continuing the discussion. In a church. Im another person who has been irritated by the pull this story has had on me over the last few weeks. We are lucky to have a minute-accurate personal birth chart for Harold as he insisted in referring to himself in Spare. They both have names. So why would he expect it now. Claire is a sincere medium , now thats HER reading. Astrology is really useful if nothing makes sense. It took a DNA test to reveal it, too. Real political power, to overturn democracy, in fact. Your balanced approach and view is refreshing as many commentators are quite polarised. Mars will resume correct motion and then leave Gemini. Two police motorcycles and a white car streaming ahead, leaving a black, car on its own. ITV and Sixty Minutes botched it. Interesting question: what if William is succeeded by George, who is then gay, and has a boyfriend? None of this would matter except the monarch does have power in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. So Roell predicted that he will not become king. Harry will be feeling very feisty today with Mars transiting his first house. I have no evidence at all for this allegation, except a ton of Leo eclipses. Theres much buried treasure in that area-also in matters omitted from history as chronicled by those ignorant of certain past events, as well as by those motivated in preventing future generations from learning them. Much has changed in the last 12 months for Harry and Meghan, who are preparing for the arrival of their second child - a baby girl - very soon. Welby has praised Charles for his multi faith views and coronation plans. Please keep this blog open as we are here, collectively, trying to unpick and unravelled what is actually going on on a global stage. Runcie apparently foresaw a constitutional crisis too, for church and state. Once we are past March and the crisis for the Church of England and Charles, I will look at Dianas chart again. You can let this kind of soap opera go in one ear and out the other, so to speak, if you even somehow understand the plot. Perhaps it is indicative of her part to play. I have not. Its just as questionable as the Taliban admission in Spare. Pluto moves to 00 Aquarius 00 so adjust for your nearest city. Thank you. What he did to his wives is now being rolled out, with quite another family, but with the same issue. An eclipse is historically what or who is obscured, concealed and hidden in plain sight. He has been taken away from his own family and friends. The plot thickens. William will inherit the throne albeit in a somewhat revamped and less privileged form. William does give the impression of having some of the Queens steel , lacking in Charles. What a mystery story. The nature of the bombshell will create a crisis for the Church of England. Sun Signs & Air Sign Alignments. This post on your blog has been fascinating. You truly stand out from all the other astrologers. From all reports he ignored her. There is another branch growing out of this tree, and this is the connection between MM and Epstein. Ye Gods. Theres a website called Blind Gossip which has posted a lot about Meghan dating back to 2017, so much of what was posted there has ended up coming true. Thank you for so much food for thought in your replies. The word that comes to mind is anachronistic. It will be interesting to see how they handle this situation. This all feels quite artful and deliberate to me. Thank you so much. Ive just come away from a Daily Mail podcast with Sarah Vine and Imogen Edwards-Jones about Harry. While I know people on this thread agree that Charles may never be King, Im sure Harry knows that too. I dont work at 2.15am. Were there any incidents related to the Royal Family? His pain appears private/ hidden but I wonder if the some of the public are expressing it on his behalf. To the person who went on a rant : wed rather you stay, but if you want, dont let the door hit you in the backside on the way out. If I was Ian or Peter Fleming and this was the Fifties, Id be writing this whole scenario up. Hi Jessica, In the years leading up to her death she had been desperate to reconnect with Charles who only a few years before dumped her for being too needy. Skulking in the undergrowth too funny. This goes into 2024. I wasnt expecting the coverup regarding Meghans pregnancy. Yes, Ive seen reports that Meghan is befriending Getty, but weve not seen evidence, as far as I know. Someone is differently behind or is it karma Theres nothing that the Royal Family has to apologise for. Thank you for providing them, as one day this website will be a tiny part of astrological history given what we are about to see in March 2023. At the same time, everything the pair do, is commonly photographed or filmed, isnt it? The taxpayers were fooled by a dazzling wedding where the real star of the show was hidden in the congregation under a hat. Someone on here mentioned Murdoch as something of a modern kingmaker interestingly that title was originally given to the Earl of Warwick, who first supported Henry VI, then Edward IV, then back to Henry VI a second time before dying in a battle with the Yorkists. The Who have accepted the gig for the proposed coronation date but the new Beatles/Stones combination isnt mentioned. Im a huge fan of yours, so thank you for all your insight and thoughtful responses on this thread. And Meghan with Pluto going over her descendent would have certainly been through some things (I think this was in 2019). The army, navy and air force, the intelligence services and the rest are entwined with royal fortunes. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Relationship Isn't "Smooth-Sailing," But "They Are Certainly in Love," Astrologer and Body Language Expert Says. Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. (Internally of course is another matter). It always has been, ever since Henry VIII created the Church of England, as monarchs always redefine what it is. was them leaving for US already planned, as part of Charles plan to reduce the size of the firm which theyd have to do anyway as theres now so many of them? Ive said this before, but every time I look at the transits to Harrys chart, I sense a show bible and pin board of looks, images, memes, influences. No borrowed shoes for me. I will go back to Spare when I have time and count the number of times Soho House, Dean Street is promoted. Dianas voice did appear as an E.V.P. I hope that this is of some help to you. Start as they mean to go on, given that Henry VIII founded the Church of England on divorce. The three of them decided to release it when his grandfather was dying. I guess the feeling of United Kingdom and Commonwealth subjects in particular, is like the John Lennon song: Gimme Some Truth. Feminism cant change the ancient churches; the Bible is the manual and traditional Roman Catholics and Anglicans cleave to it, because they must. Thank you very much for your website and the richness of information ! Maybe the therapist did and was ignored. What and who is linking these families together besides the truth. Thank you. One very good reason to be unhappy is that you have had Saturn in Aquarius in your life since December 2020, opposing everything you have in Leo in the Fifth House of the bedroom, courtship, children and young people. I ask because just before Pluto goes into Aquarius it makes aspects to Georges sun and moon. Being mindful of the internet gossip/fiction industry surrounding M&H of course. Gardening and nature are also Virgo and suit his chart. I think thats called a hypocrite! Thank you for posting and allowing the comments to continue. The best film went to CODA which I'm looking forward to watching - a great night for them. The timing chimes with Saturn entering Pisces for the first time in 29 years, and Harrys Seventh House of marriage, but also enemies. There was a documentary on TV in the UK last night about Russian money in the British government. Why ask the Archbishop of Canterbury? Im tempted to start another post, just about Prince Harry and his many foreign affairs (literally in the case of his wife). Thank you for your fascinating insights into world affairs you have a truly awesome grip on these subjects. Vedic astrology (I use Astrosage) is really good to look at, the next few month for Harry (up until the end of May) do not look good for him. To digress, and jump back to the talk of Riven Rock, it put me in mind of the 1981 movie Excalibur, which I found magnificently moody & lush, to quote I have no idea who, in reviews of other films. Craft quotes the magazine "Harry Styles Fanbook" (2019), pg. Something to watch later! I would be curious to hear from Peter Settelen again and in turn hear from Diana again about the missing pieces of her story and how it may help make sense or make peace. Maybe others will be drawn in? Fascinating to read back. The House of Windsor is an obvious example which I mentioned, but I omitted Rupert Murdoch and his children. It would have been quicker to make them from scratch! Interesting. I also wonder where are those missing tapes and what else was said? It is to be hoped Charles would not cave in to Sussex demands for the sake of a quiet life. Take care Jessica. January 31st 2018 Moon 11 Leo Sun 11 Aquarius There is no evidence at all to support this. My sister (also a Cancer) was 17. ( Randomly, Welbys latest comment is CofE donating 100 million to address effects on communities of TransAtlantic slave trade from which Cof E benefitted financially at that time. ) Thanks as always & wishing you a happy weekend, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Norway have already said that the heiresses to the throne are free to marry a woman if they want. The timing of Spare on Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Mars Retrograde in Gemini is typical of books which are uncorrected first editions, so the second edition will be quite different. Jessica, I noticed that you have mentioned more money coming to him in 2024, which hopefully is a positive sign. This is the highest expression of Libra, the sign which dominates the heavens in 2023. It does look like divorces for courses in the Windsor family, doesnt it? Russia and China would no doubt like the Commonwealth to lose members, to be wound up, and/or to ditch the UK monarch as Head of State. Transiting Saturn at 0 Pisces will trine his natal Pluto at 0 Scorpio for the first time in 29 years. They had actually known each other in another life in an Arabic country. Thank you for updating me and all the readers on this thread, now approaching 400 comments. Which is odd. The only thing I could come up with prior to this was that it could have been a power trip by all of them. It ends in March 2023. It may be completely made up, Im sorry I dont know how to fact check, but if there is any truth it is fascinating. On a personal level I get a visceral deep clench in my stomach every time I see a photo or headline of MM. It is beginning to look like a very deliberate operation for a very deliberate reason. Read on to find out why the real story in 2021 is about Meghan's investments, promoted by Oprah Winfrey. I agree. Soho House, a place where the establishment, younger royals and the wealthy hang out (also a good place for the spooks to hang out I would have thought) and where H met M. But one of the things he is said to have told his son, was that Elizabeth was always well chaperoned. Neptune in astrology is a symbol of alternative reality. This year its the book. What happens if the spare is removed from family and friends by his wife and emigrates, vowing never to return? and South Park brilliantly ridiculing the super couple Harry and Meghan? He is in the press today defending inaccuracies in the book. Once home to Christine Keeler and a Russian spy scandal. Sagittarius and the Ninth House are about foreign cultures (multiculturalism) as much as foreign countries. Also, intriguingly, in 1820 when Uranus and Neptune were previously in conjunction and in the sign of Capricorn another Prince of Wales very nearly brought down the monarchy. Also Chinese interests/money in Caribbean area. That single fact should be enough to make people question what is going on. Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. Defender of the Faith. Thank you. They were actually enlightened by the public, in dribs and drabs. I think he hates Will nuts and best way to get to him and hurt him is by taking it out on Kate. Thank you for all your help and comments. Soho House is certainly expanding; I guess it will take The Sunday Times to dig deeper, or The Guardian. Sometimes I find that their stories dont make sense or change over time or dont hold up to scrutiny or logic. Charles doesnt deserve to be rewarded with the crown. Hi Jessica, Also that the man who becomes regent wont be expecting it.) I did that some years ago and shes a surface fit for Princess Margaret. Timing! Thank you. Mesmerised unsure why. By now, I think we have also come to realise that Meghan and Harry are running a disruption narrative. which, notably, ITV has failed to explain. Amber Heard was diagnosed with Histrionic Personality Disorder (and Borderline Personality Disorder) by forensic psychologist Dr Shannon Curry, who spent 12 hours with her in relation to the trial. I recall being at a childrens birthday party when the awful news broke in Sydney that she had passed. It is related to gaslighting which comes to us from the British playwright Patrick Hamilton and similar to George Orwells visions in 1984. Ill be giving it away, though. (Incidentally, Putins spokesman Lavrov(?) There is something so deeply wrong about the whole thing. . And the triangular mountain itself not dissimilar to the one of the front of th American dollar bill. Theres a bit of a message here for all lovestruck women heading down the aisle in a white wedding dress. At the same time, Saturn has been in Aquarius in a conjunction with everything you have in that sign in the Eleventh House of friends, your social life and social media. Your Jane Eyre image is a Virgo archetype. So is this thread of comments and information being shared. The Astrology of Harry Styles. Given Harrys transits in Sagittarius you would be looking for a nod to Commonwealth, Scottish or US-UK politics. She was a devout Anglican and knew all her Archbishops, of course, including the one man who suggested to Charless biographer that any coronation was a constitutional crisis waiting to happen. A, Oh, Meghans absence will be part of the marketing plan. Pluto in Aquarius is coming for the next 20 years and it doesnt really do private members clubs. (Not to mention their numerous trials) The stars seem to be crookedly aligned at the moment for both the RF and Harry I suppose someone wants a long-term political pay-off. But what if two paparazzi were watching, for example? Also, is everyone in the world with Leo stelliums going to experience a turbulent March or is it more about having a connection to the Church of England? So my question to you is, will William become King? In view of Libra connection to marriages/weddings: Dear me, it is so tragic watching any family go through this turmoil. We were told about his fathers Dior products, but not about the name of the controversial tiara. Or if it relates to weddings , one of the internet rumours/gossip Ive seen put forward purports to an early alleged MM marriage annulment. We may lie with our words, but our bodies are not wired to do so and will betray us. Even my husband, who is fervently anti-monarchy, is asking what is going on here? Thank you everyone for your insightful comments and ongoing research. Prince Georges mars is at an even closer conjunction to jupiter than QEIIs so he predicted he will ascend at an even younger age than QEII did. Bullying little Charlotte because of a dress is unforgivable, where C was the target. If you want to set up a rift in the Church of England, you could do something like this. I wonder how the Queen would have felt if she was still alive. The other baby brother spare would eventually become Richard III after Edwards own death & who declared Edwards sons (the Princes in the Tower) illegitimate thus making himself King. The official statement since was that she had become addicted to painkillers after treatment for cancer and then suffered a mental breakdown. And you say it also talks about a split in the Commonwealth. I appreciate your contribution to the debate. Im sorry I dont know how to write this in English : Sun 1936 Taurus 11th House/ Uranus 149r Scorpio 5th H / Saturn 2350 Leo 2nd H / Pluto 1424r Libra 4th H. You mentioned foreigners in your blog for Taurus I do have a project currently blocked, linked to something foreign and I havent been able to find the right support in France so far which drives me slightly crazy I also procrastinate at length and the whole Harry saga gives me the perfect excuse for it (!) In March 2023, very close to the 24th, you will realise that there is a friend or group of people which could help make you so much stronger. Sorry you have to endure getting comments like Annes. The fact that it was the Guardian who first got hold of the leaked book is very telling isnt it! Lady C is very well connected, as shown by her posting of the first notification of the Queens death, for which she was castigated. People who are blind to the fact that Harrys grandfather was dying in hospital when Oprah Winfrey joined he and Meghan in a public attack on his own family. Id like to know what Diana thinks. Looking at my own family lineage as Ive been studying the family tree for 10 years now; we are the rainbow in spectrum if one must look at the evolution of skin color. Pluto enters Aquarius, just as he entered Aquarius over a quarter-century ago, when the French Revolution began and their monarchy was given the chop. It would be nice if The Sunday Times with all its brilliant investigative reporting finds out how many of these lowly-paid, mass armies of online warriors work on high-rise trolls farms! Thats interesting too. I also think there is done so much damage that there is no way back in that relationship.. See my comments about Netflix and manufactured drama. They go on sale just before the proposed coronation in April 2023. Eclipse blind spots. She was also, according to the net, baptised by Justin Welby into the Church of England. I read Ukraine were trying to build their relationships with African countries (would include Commonwealth members presumably) because of pro Russian support there for the war against Ukraine due to Russian links/investments. Happy New Year to you and thank you for keeping this blog going. In this search, I for one appreciate being corrected. The Membership Collective Group (MCG on the New York Stock Exchange) which runs Soho House all over the world, has been offering cheap shares recently. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has his General Synod from 6th February where you can bet Holy Matrimony is on the agenda. Sure Harry book maybe embarrassing and likewise with Andrew but I dont think its bad enough to bring the Monarchy down. Perhaps Charles is taking a leaf out of Queen Margareta of Denmarks book and trying to sort things out so that William wont have to? What a soap opera! Nothing could please China more than seeing the Commonwealth economic agreements break up. I am less convinced of that. Harry is not doing well. I would be amazed if he had not had a DNA test. Also in July 1997 a colleague at work showed me an e-mail from a friend. The fact is, they make millions, maybe billions, for charities and good causes through their patronage and support. So it is only fair to ask if we were hoodwinked by a former actress using one of the tools of the trade. It is very likely you have Gemini factors in your Third House of siblings, and/or your sister does. Anne. Stone cold, which I think is a symbolic reference, but I clearly saw handcuffs and them handcuffed and kept quiet. HM the Queen was quite right about William in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026. Goosebumps are usually a sign that your spirit guide has drawn closer and confirmed something. I dont always have time to research, so it is really helpful to have readers update me on the curious tale of Harry and Meghan. Thanks for the interesting article. We walked around it and my husband stepped away from me towards the lake to look at something. When you say Meghan is possibly creating her own version of The Crown you are picking up on what appears to be a storyline drama; a constructed piece of entertainment. So plenty to puzzle over and yet no answer is remotely satisfying. (I wish it were 24 March already so wed know what happens but, equally Im quite fearful of who of the loyal RF members might be hurt in this unfolding). Please do tag me on Twitter; I appreciate it. He just knew. Edward IV is still the tallest ever King to rule England, William will be next tallest at 63 (his height being a Spencer trait rather than Windsor). It is very hard to deal with the transits in Aquarius, without also having this illness. This is way more than just the sons sequel to Diana, Her True Story (Andrew Morton). If you go back to the astrology of Meghan and Harry, she has karma with her family, which ends in July. Thank you for your insights, Jessica. He's all about breaking the rules," exclaims Kelly, pointing to his gender-fluid fashion, surprising career turns and age-defying relationships as examples.
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