These are the mistakes you absolutely must not make to avoid skin damage such as discoloration, scars, hyperpigmentation, and irritation/infections. As you get used to it, there are 2 options: Going slow is a must when it comes to TCA. In ANTI-WORKS., BEAUTY, FACE, PEELINGS, REVIEWS FACIAL TREATMENTS AND PRODUCTS by Clelia Mattana22/02/2023Leave a Comment. TCA chemical peels at higher concentrations produce deeper peeling, as does the number of applications (layers) of TCA applied to a given area. Please tell your physician if you have a history of cold sores. I would feel more responsible NOT to share my experience. My concern is that the peel will thin the skin even more and they will look more hollow. I'm 27 and about 5 years ago I ordered a tca peel online all up over about 6 months I did about 6 peels (I know way too many) and I have completely damaged my skin, I have really bad scars especially under my eyes I am starting to wrinkle under my eyes and my skin is just disgusting and uneven, I never had a problem withy acne prior now I wake up everyday with new pimples and I have bad cystic acne, how can I repair my skin? TCA Peel Results. 1| What is TCA, how does it work, and what are its benefits on the skin.2 | Different concentrations of TCA Peeling and their specific benefits.3 | The steps for applying the TCA peel at home correctly with explanatory photos.4 | TCA peel Day by Day Photos + Before and After.5 | TCA peel aftercare at home + recommended products6 | How to best prepare your skin for TCA peel at home7 | What are the most common mistakes and risks of doing by yourself at home.8 | Where to buy the TCA and especially where NOT!9 | List all the products mentioned and where to find them. Its important not to attempt to speed up the peeling process by picking at the skin, as this can increase chances of infection, poor healing, and dark spots. Should You Get a Glycolic, Salicylic, or TCA Peel? Check Price at Amazon. Prescription anti-viral medication will be prescribed for a couple days before and after the peel to prevent a cold sore outbreak for all patients with a history of cold sores. For reference, 10%30% TCA provides a superficial peel, while 30%40% TCA provides a medium-depth chemical peel, and 50% or above TCA provides a deep chemical peel. TCA peels are moderately reactive, so those with eczema and rosacea should proceed with a test spot before moving forward with full treatment. The TCA chemical peel uses trichloroacetic acid to dry the top layers of skin so they peel off over a period of several days. I use the same stopwatch I have for the gym, my Gymboss, and set it at 5 minutes. Treatment of small parts of the face to reduce very deep acne scars (TCA Cross method). After the treatment, the skin can become flaky and will peel at 3-7 days. Im terrified it will never look normal again and Ill always look like a raccoon. Step 6: Check The 25 TCA Peel Frosting During the 5 Min Wait. Superficial treatments are effective for treating whiteheads, blackheads, uneven skin texture, and pigmentation, while medium-depth peels are more effective for fine lines and wrinkles. Palmers Skin Success Fade Cream (2% hydroquinone) can be purchased online or at most Walmart, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens stores. Keep a cold compress on the eye area if you have very sensitive eyes and this happens to you. So rule number one of TCA peel: NEVER do them too close together! Zippered Platinum Makeup bag to store your items. Thanks to Katrina Poulsen, RN for contributing to this article and helping to establish our office protocols for TCA chemical peels. The peel is gently massaged on the skin. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. But I dont want to terrify anyone. One 2 dram bottle of 35% Matrixyl Synthe'6 Potion. Today's eye peels are safe and effective at brightening under-eye circles, reducing puffiness beneath the eyes, and removing fine lines and brown spots. I had upper blepharoplasty and a lower chemical peel 35 % tca. TCA penetrates the epidermis (top layer of skin) into the dermis (second layer of the skin) to exfoliate old cells and encourage the body to heal and refresh the area. Pass the gauze across the forehead from the hairline, horizontally, up to the eyebrows. These differences are exactly what I was hoping for! Clelia. Short recap: The TCA peeling reaches the dermis (superficial or medium, depending on the concentration) while the other lighter acids stop at the epidermis/stratum corneum. If you are using a 10% and can take the burning sensation but do not see frosting, you can wait 5 minutes (NEVER BEFORE), and if nothing changes, you can pass the TCA one more time. You can move around wherever you want, but don't perform any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for three weeks. A cell phone is fine, too, as long as there is an alarm at the end of the allotted time. The 3rd photo is after the second 20% TCA peel done in June of 2020. 1h. Give your skin ample time to heal and regenerate between peels. 1. Important Note: Everyone has different skin types and sensitivity, so the days following the peel are not the same for everyone. It is important to review your calendar before scheduling a chemical peel. Chemical peels on the eye area can help with. Frosted skin is a clear sign of controlled chemical burning. Oral or inhaled analgesics may be used beforehand for medium-depth chemical peels. As the first step, they will degrease your face with acetone, which smells a lot like nail polish remover. In the days immediately following the TCA chemical peel, your skin may take on a dry, brown appearance after the initial redness has faded (usually around days 3-5). But if done right, you shouldnt have these problems. From a professional standpoint, that makes it a great tool, because it can be used at various concentrations and application techniques to treat almost any condition. The fact that trichloracetic acid penetrates deeply is essential for the success of the TCA peel, as there is a dense network of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid fibers in the dermis that support the skin like a real scaffold (collagen ), make it elastic (elastin) and give it turgor (hyaluronic acid). There is no at-home equivalent to a medium-depth peel; no amount of at-home peels will create the same effect, because in-office medium-depth peels penetrate much deeper than at-home treatments. One 6ml bottle of .55% Fusion A Luminosity cream. I did get some peeling for a few days. . Usually the first cracks come form around the mouth where there is more movement in the face. I am still SO pink/red! This article reports my PERSONAL experience with TCA. You should buy the lowest percentage from this brand if you are a beginner. If you dont know which one to trust, keep reading because Ill give you more info and the pros and cons. In some cases you may also notice some swelling but it shouldnt be extreme. The white skin you see on my face is called frosting: the result of the coagulation of the keratin proteins attacked by the acid. When treating the eye contour area, it is extremely important to have perfect dexterity and a protocol of execution in the application to prevent acid from entering the eye. Thanks! TCA or Trichloroacetic Acid is a very low PH substance (about 1.3 / 1.5) that creates a controlled chemical burn.. It makes the skin more compact, and elastic and gives it a healthy appearance. The success of a TCA peel at home depends on the initial preparation that begins at least two weeks in advance. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Where to buy the TCA and especially where NOT! Three full face fractional CO2 laser treatments were performed over the course of two years. Check your skin very well in the mirror. Glycolic Acid 40% (Professional Chemical Peel) Pro Strength Alpha Hydroxy Acid Skin Peel - Intense. They are considered medium and medium deep at higher concentrations, The skin has been accustomed to trichloroacetic acid with lower percentages, You do not suffer from rosacea (this also applies to peelings over 7%). In some cases, the peeling may be less evident (especially with low%), but this does not mean there are no profound effects on the dermis. For superficial peels, it is sometimes useful to prime the skin with retinol or a retinoid before. In this case, I wash my face with the baking soda solution to neutralize the acid. First few days - you may notice some dryness, irritation, and mild swelling. If you use VERY low percentages of TCA peel (7% -10% maximum) with no frosting or visible peeling in the following days. These days your TCA peel aftercare becomes more important. I will explain in detail the risks you face if you choose to do the TCA at home and what I did to avoid them (no procedure is risk-free, even if done correctly at the doctors office). For this reason, medium and deep chemical peels are typically avoided in darker skin tones, due to increased risk of scarring and hyperpigmentation. My next peeling involves applying a single 13% layer around the eyes and a 25% layer over the rest of the face. Have patience and your skin will thank you for it. If you are applying the TCA peel to your face, you should remove all of your make up. For remarkable results, space them at least one month from each other. Pics are from multiple angles, b/c I don't even know what I look like anymore. Brighter, more even skin tone with much less sun spots after one session of the Reverse Damage+ Peel. - Acne scars subcision, pro acid peels, pro laser resurfacing. In that case, you do nothing but stress the skin that doesnt have time to heal, with possible side effects such as scars, spots, and other problems requiring medical attention. or use an automatic translator. If I apply the TCA around the eyes, I still protect them in the tear through area and at the lashline. Although the skin preparation was optimal, and my skin was accustomed to using acids, I still felt the difference compared to superficial acids. All Rights Reserved. A very important step for the success of the TCA peel. The skin at this moment is burned and needs products with a moisturizing and soothing action. Pain - There is usually no discomfort after the peel, but, in case there is mild discomfort, pain killers can be taken. I have tested the TCA peel on my skin several times over more than eight years (at my own risk), have sought advice from several aesthetic doctors, and spent days studying the procedure in detail in scientific publications. Trichloroacetic acid is applied at different concentrations to obtain different results or for applications in different body areas. So dont plan to get a peel right before vacation. Check Price at Amazon: 7: Jessner Solution Acid Peel 14% 1oz. Mix 1 part 30% TCA with 2 parts water. Days 3-4 Post 25 TCA Peel: The Real Peel Begins! Aim to see positive changes in 60 - 90 days time. Check Price at Amazon: 6: QRxLabs Chemical Peel Neutralizer - post-peel PH balancing with chamomile and green tea extracts 2. List all the products mentioned and where to find them, Platinum skincare Professional TCA Peel 13%. New skin is much more sensitive to sun damage so it must be protected very well. Before & After my TCA peel 25% Photo preview. Always pretreat if you have darker skin or are dealing with pigmentation issues for 2 weeks minimum with Fade Bright or another melanin inhibitor. If it was too early, there could be a second peeling wave in that area. It is also important to avoid sun exposure as the skin is healing. Ill be honest as always. Improved pigmentation after one session of the Reverse Damage+ Peel. You may also feel a tingling / needling sensation. - Orthodontic treatment, teeth whitening etc.