Lynn Sr. then put Lincoln's breakfast in the fridge and proceeded to clean the dishes after everyone ate. As he ate, he wondered about something. ", "No way, sis," said Luna, "why would we wanna hang out with someone like you? "Lynn: "Score! Lincoln: Sometimes, I wish Simon would change his opinions instead of being a smart little butt! (For the next thirty minutes, Lincoln was continuing to play his game on the Wii, Luna was waiting patiently for Sam and Simon to appear, Luna even fidgeted her thumbs as she is constantly nervous waiting for them, she even had a thought bubble for Lincoln and Simon getting into a fight, but she eventually cleared it out of her mind, someone knocked on the front door, she opened it and at the front door), (She closed the door and walked upstairs to go to the twins room, later she came back the stairs as she sat back on the chair she usually sits in waiting for Simon and Sam, the front door was knocked on again, this time she opens the door to meet), (They both hugged each other and nuzzled each other, then Simon comes in), (Luna tousles Simon's hair, she then turns to Sam). Loud," said Joe, Steve's brother, "but we didn't. Just then, James and his friends walked in the house. ", "You bet it was," said Butch, "If we'd been on that branch longer, we'd be dead men!". Sam: >to Simon, annoyed< STAY OUT OF THIS STIMON! Luna: >to Simon and Lincoln< Oh and not to mention, this is strike three for you boys and you are out. Sam: That's nice, what are you're siblings doing? Comment. Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. Lola: THAT'S IT, IF YOU BOYS CAN'T GET ALONG, YOU'RE OUT! What are you doing here read the motherfuking story l Long Lost Brother [Loud House X Male!Reader]. ", "Sheesh," said Butch, "And to think she'd improve her character in Season 2 of this show.". Time. ", "No need to fret about that," said Lynn Sr., "we're just glad you're safe!". He managed to, but with a twist. Loud in a surprised tone, "what's going on? Leni: First, I called Ms. Carmichael, Fiona and Miguel to help me advertise to get your attention, we talked to the manager at "Gamestop" and "Fro-Yo n' Go" for a discount message, then we had to lure all of you right here, and Fro-Yo's are on Ms. Carmichael by the way, and now here you guys are! Luna: I know you don't like me anymore but I don't want the "Moon Goats" to split up forever. ", Lincoln took the envelope, opened it, and took out the letter. ", "I knew I said I wasn't going to be speaking to you," said Lincoln, "but then I remembered James telling me how God wants us to forgive one another. Lincoln: >to Luna< First of all, I'm the one should be sorry, I never should have disrespected Simon's opinions and I'm sorry for your breakup with Sam, and secondly, I forgive you. Lincoln: Apparently I'm the only boy in the family, I have exactly ten sisters, currently Lori my eldest sister is in college. Just then, James' friend Steve came in the house, holding Lana. (It begins with Luna watching "School of Rock" on her laptop, then she gets a call on her phone), (It then goes to split screen with Sam on the right). Lincoln got out aSupermancomic he had bought earlier and read it while he ate his pizza. Lincoln moved Bun-Bun's head in a nodding motion. Simon: I think one sister is good enough already. "Yes, officer," said Butch and Mark as the cop left. Luna: >to Lincoln< So, when do you want some Fro-Yo Bro? Deviation Actions. Lincoln: At least this is something we both agree on. "Probably sleeping in," said Lola, "itis Saturday.". He hasn't lost anybody's trust, but someone has lost his and they did it in one of the worst ways possible and worst of all, he blames himself for it. Lincoln: >interrupts Simon< No way we are watching one show of the same channel or program we are on, I say we watch the classics. She was about the only sibling who had nothing in common with Luke. Sam: And apparently, you guys don't even know how to respect each others opinion. "There, there, sis," said Bobby, "it's OK.". Sam: Look Luna, we can still be a couple, but sometimes a relationship isn't going to last forever, but I would like for ours to--. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from We'll explain everything. 1,245 1.2K. I thought ugh. Fanfic #4. Read to find out. James then removed a pair of noise-cancelling earmuffs he had on. >to Luna< And that includes are relationship as well. Lincoln: Not to mention she called me "Stinkoln" multiple times. Luna: >to Sam< To think, jut like us at the "Royal Woods quest" it just took us a while to find something we had in common, but it was a little difficult to have our brothers to trust each other. Sam: >to Lincoln< To be fair, you are making smart remarks as well. A. ", "Indeed," said Mark, "all their sandwiches are good. Lincoln: I understand, but maybe this could you know, get us back together as siblings? Sam: Ohhhhhh, I loved that movie with Jack Black. Lincoln: >to Luna< I think we both had a bad day! This one shot is set in the future where Lincoln ran away after having enough of his family's insane superstitions. Sam: Not when they want to argue and disrespect each other's opinion on something they do or don't like, it's going to be even more difficult then ever. Liam: Now pay attention, now I could use your help around the farm, while my memaw is out of town, she gave me a list of chores around the farm, now I would like for you two to work together and then tell me in your own opinion what ya'll two like the best, now does that sound too hard for you boys? Lynn went inside and found the lump on the bed. I'll see if I will get you the best dress to wear on your date with Sam and--, (Luna cries harder when she hears the name "Sam" and plants her face on her pillow). With that being said, they all caught a bus back to their homes. ", "Well," said Butch, "we better be getting back to Piperville.". Lincoln: WellI love all of my sisters, scratch that, most of them on certain cases, but I wouldn't ever trade it for the world. Upstairs, Lori was in her and Leni's room, plopped on her bed and crying hysterically into the pillow. Luna: Which is why from hear on out, you two are going to try out different things and you two are going to share your opinions to each other. "Luna: "Cool brah! ", "No, Lori," said Albert, "don't apologize to your sisters. Lynn Sr. called Lori and Rita downstairs and put Butch on speaker. ", "Just. Lori and Lincoln are on a golf field. Is he here? (Both Lincoln and Simon shook hands and then they let go of each other). "Last one to James & Co.'s house is a rotten egg," said Lincoln. (Sam facepalms again as Simon was being sarcastic). ", "Wait a minute," said Lincoln, "Fred, your last name is Jones, right?". She knocked on his door. Luna: I thought we could give it a try when we get them both together at least. My overall favorites are soccer and basketball. Oh! Lincoln: I remember when me, Ronnie Anne and Sid tried to fix up Lori and Bobby's relationship after their breakup. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< Uh, you do know he has bad episodes as well. When that was finished, she rode her bike to the post office. Simon: >annoyed< But the Xbox controller is very unique, plus it has better graphics and a better loading times than Playstation. Sam: >in thought< Oh no, you've got to be kidding me! 12 Comments. (Once both Luna and Lincoln released their hug, Luna then sees Sam and Simon in shock), (Luna then walked up to Sam and she stood still in shock, just as Sam was about to turn to Simon, she tripped on a chair and fell, Luna was looking down on her). (Vanzilla pulled up along with Leni, Luna and Luan, Lincoln climbed on and rode shotgun, Taylor and Lincoln waved goodbye to each other, back at The Loud House, Lincoln was getting his hair combed and got his teeth brushed, Lola was concerned and confused by the way Lincoln was getting himself ready) She works for rich men, has to do all kinds of odd jobs, an Do You Literally Like Me? "Your jokes are better than Luan's," said Lincoln as he put his bike in the trunk of Butch's car and got in. "Then are you somehow related to the Mr. Jones who runs the fix-it shop just across the street from the grocery store," asked Lincoln. "Yahoo," cheered Lola, "Lincoln's not dead!". Of course he has Clyde, but he's not with him 24/7. ", "I'm sorry about it, OK," said Lincoln, "it was an accident! Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< How dare you call her "Bland and Unsympathetic"? "I think we better see if he's OK," said Rita, "Lynn?". "PLUS," said Lola, "THAT WASMYTWIN YOU HIT, YOU BIG FAT MEANIE! Lynn Loud Jr. Ronnie Anne Santiago Sid Chang After an incident, Lincoln Loud along with his former bully Taylor both find themselves plundered in a world of violence and crime. What if there's an unknown sibling??? A Load of Bulk provides examples of: (Luna then forms tears in her eyes and starts crying, Lincoln tries to calm her down, but Luna pushed him to the ground), (Luna runs away from him as she continues crying, Lincoln gets back up and turns to Liam). A minute of awkward silence was soon followed by a familiar voice. (Luna hung up and it goes back to Luna in full screen, it later cuts to Lincoln playing "Godzilla Unleashed" on the Wii, Lincoln was playing as Godzilla 90's fighting King Ghidorah in Seattle, Luna then tapped on his shoulder, and got Lincoln's attention). Lincoln: But I love chocolate, take it from my sisters, they are extreme chocoholics! As he got to work on his bike, he heard a car pull up. Lincoln: Maybe I could if Simon wasn't such a smart little butt. (Ephesians 4:32). Get over here! Reads. Rita then explained to Steve what had transpired. "Bun-Bun," said Lincoln, "do you think Lori would be happier if I left?". Elsewhere, Lincoln was still riding the freight train to Piperville when all of a sudden, he felt the train stop. Start reading. Read to find out. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln Loves his younger sisters and the feeling is mutual so much so that they'll do anything to see their big brother happy even if it means making his Harem even bigger. Simon: That's because I have a better opinion than him, he knows nothing. lincolnloud. Lincoln: Ugh. "As if she'll become a whole lot nicer to me and let me be in her room more," said Lincoln. #lincoln Lincoln: HmmmLipton's does taste good, but PG tips kinda taste awful, The Chocolate hip Muffins and the White Chocolate chip cookies are delicious, even more so than the other Muffins and Cookies. Luna would later tell her that the song was a one hit wonder from the nineties by a band called the Divinyls. "Luke: "I also like style. #loud ", "Are you kidding," asked Lincoln, "and continue to live under the reign of The Queen Of No after what she did to me?! (Hops starts popping up from the tea cup scaring Simon). ", "Anyways Lori," said Fred, "I think you'll be pleased to know that we forgive you as well and that we canceled the restraining order. ", "Look," said Lincoln, "it's notthat big of a deal. "I swear she scares us everytime.Luke: "Nope. Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< What did we just say? Luna: Oh no dude, looks like a brother protocol is firing up. Simon: Just admit it, you know nothing about what I think, I have better tastes than you, Scooby Doo is old, Chocolate is bland, Playstation is horrible, Ace Savvy is stupid, farming is dull, and your sister Luna, she may be a good friend to me and Sam, but she and Sam don't deserve each other if you can't just agree with me. It also had a card that read "I'm sorry for what I did!" But when we had A few more kids, they didn't take them away, which makes things confusing. ", "My dad taught me," said Fred, "he has been since I was Lincoln's age. The Loud House: The Black Figure The CasaDemonios - Deathy Intro The Loud House (2006) The Loud House - Lincoln the Attacker (Old version) The Loud House - Two's Regret The loud house - You're adopted The Loud House 888 The Loud House Lost Don't Text And Drive PSA (2015) The Loud House Lost Episode: The Mishaps of the Loud Siblings