The articles were grouped into their level of evidence, and descriptive analyses were performed. Wavelet transforms provide insight into the structure of the time series at various frequencies (scales). The standard curves were built in a synthetic matrix and quantification was achieved using multiple internal standards. A sequence of three studies contrasts the effect on automation reliance of providing descriptive information versus experience for DSSLT with two different positive expected values of recommendations. Furthermore, accurately modeling the response and behavior of the interfacing boundaries that are common to many inflatable systems will lead to better understanding of the entire class of structures. Pair correlation function and nonlinear kinetic equation for a spatially uniform polarizable nonideal plasma. The present Integrated Reservoir Description (IRD) is focussed on delivering the next level of detail that will impact the understanding of the localmore reservoir architecture and dynamic performance of each well. Throughout several AAL projects we have found repeated difficulties in this collaboration and have learned lessons by the experience of solving real situations. In Health Sciences, systematic reviews (SR) are performed to evaluate validation of diagnostic tests in relation to a gold standard method. An evaluative questionnaire was completed before and after the program. Papers in this symposium that focused specifically on study design contain a diversity of biological perspectives. Create your account. The purpose of this study was to investigate the patient's perception of noise in the OR before anesthesia, the correlation between the actual noise levels and the patient's perception of noise, and if there are particular patient subgroups that are especially vulnerable to noise. Thermal Environments. The key attributes and value of qualitative description research in the health care professions will be highlighted with the aim of extending its usage. Bradshaw, Carmel; Atkinson, Sandra; Doody, Owen. The regional climatology includes a general regional climatic description and presents information on occurrence frequencies of the severe meteorological phenomena that are important considerations in the design and siting of a facility. The qualitative description of collected examples appears to be effective in delineating sensory aspects of spatial experience; however the systematic development of assessment criteria is essential in order to support students and designers to make responsible decisions in shaping built environments that are accessible and inclusive but also enjoyable. Similarly, there is no accord among statisticians on Optimization of a hybrid exchange-correlation functional for silicon carbides, Oda, Takuji; Zhang, Yanwen; Weber, William J. Hee, Siew Wan; Parsons, Nicholas; Stallard, Nigel. Regions in the two-body momentum distribution dominated by high-momentum, close-proximity, nucleon pairs are identified and compared to experimental data. Pond, Mark J.; Errington, Jeffrey R.; Truskett, Thomas M. Partial pair-correlation functions of colloidal suspensions with continuous polydispersity can be challenging to characterize from optical microscopy or computer simulation data due to inadequate sampling. Measurement of actual pepsin concentration to detect new reflux and aspiration events is recommended in future studies. We show that for a large variation of SO interaction the MAE in these materials can be well described by the traditional second order perturbation theory. Study characteristics, use of descriptive statistics and the number and types of statistical methods employed were evaluated. The report presents the design description of the various components and systems that make up each corrosion facility, such as the salt pump, corrosion specimens, salt piping, main heaters, salt coolers,more salt sampling equipment, and helium cover-gas system, etc. Correlational research is designed to discover relationships among variables. Study 2 obtained paper-and-pen written descriptions, whereas participants completed descriptions in electronic format in Studies 3 and 4. The application of the criteria to experimentation is explained. Aragon workers' health study--design and cohort description. A total of 51 OCD patients were included in the final analysis. Safety and efficiency from a physical environment perspective in ED design are mutually reinforcing concepts--enhancing efficiency bears positive implications for safety. These features of azimuthal multiparticle cumulants were previously interpretedmore as a signature of hydrodynamic flow; our results challenge this interpretation. Goldfarb, W.; Carpenter, L. C.; Redhed, D. D.; Hansen, S. D.; Anderson, L. O.; Kawaguchi, A. S. The computing system design of IPAD is described and the requirements which form the basis for the system design are discussed. To make JTC recognize thermo targets, an infrared telephoto lens is designed in this paper. Establishment of stable link between hardware and software, as a purpose of designed and realized work, is presented. We show that the treatment effect estimator in a linear mixed effects model can be decomposed into a weighted mean of the estimators obtained from (1) regarding an SWD as a conventional row-column design and (2) a so-called vertical analysis, which is a row-column design with row effects omitted. The CADSS design automation system. A convenience sample of 60 parents having 6- to 14-year-old children undergoing inpatient elective surgery in a public hospital in Singapore was recruited. Nursing students completed questionnaires anonymously. In 2012, the ASR antenna was moved to another location on the airport. Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. Hypotheses about causation from descriptive studies are often tested in rigorous analytical studies. Most of the descriptions are based on questionnaires completed by members of the institutions as well as on corrections of and comments on a preliminary version of the descriptions. The purpose of this study was to describe the procedure and results of salivary cotinine testing and to examine correlations between cotinine levels, self-reported smoking behavior, and other demographic variables in outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs). Here we present statistical properties of the magnitude correlations for the self-similar model along with an analytical analysis of the branching ratio and criticality parameters. However, writing apprehension is a common phenomenon among nursing students. What correlation effects are covered by density functional theory? The description of the ATLAS program library includes all information needed to use these general purpose routines. This study did not support the findings of Geschke et al. The overall communication system is described with performance analyses, communication operations, and experiment plans. Quantitative designs can be experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive, or correlational. Nguyen, Manh Cuong; Yao, Yongxin; Wang, Cai-Zhuang; Ho, Kai-Ming; Antropov, Vladimir P. The dependence of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) in MCo5 (M=Y, La, Ce, Gd) and CoPt on the Coulomb correlations and strength of spin orbit (SO) interaction within the GGA+U scheme is investigated. Recently many single flux quantum (SFQ) logic circuits containing several thousands of Josephson junctions have been designed successfully by using digital domain simulation based on the hard ware description language (HDL). Multiple autopsy findings revealed a consistent correlation between acromegaly and pituitary enlargement. Surface morphology before placement and after retrieval of the MSI was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at a magnification of 11, 40, and 1,000. Despite its importance, however, the role of the temporal dimension in their structure and function has not been investigated in much detail so far. Next steps should be to validate the use of this approach, demonstrate cost-efficacy or the "return on investment" for educational and institutional leadership, and examine longer-term knowledge retention. A detailed description is given of some of the following systems: (1) water tank and support equipment; (2) communications systems; (3) environmental control and liquid cooled garment system (EcS/LCG); (4) closed circuit television system; and (5) medical support system. The correlation degree was calculated between each evaluation scheme and ideal scheme by using multilevel gray relational analysis model and then the optimal scheme was determined. The positive opinions of surgeons increased for all medical students from the pre-evaluation to the post-evaluation, and there was a greater increase in positive opinions for our participants. We designed and fabricated a fully automatic fast face recognition optical parallel correlator [E. Watanabe and K. Kodate: Appl. The design specifications describe the decomposition of the software system into its major components. Correlation of normal and superconducting properties and unified approach to the description of high Tc oxides. Examples of specific studies that have used various designs in chaplaincy research are provided. PMID:19607668, Software Design Description for the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), Version 2.2, scalars. Data analyses included descriptive statistics, Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients, t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, and a hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Evidence from descriptions of significant others, famous people, and works of art. 52.214-21 Descriptive Literature. Khan, Arroj A.; Zeba, I.; Jamil, M.; Asif, M. The oscillatory wake potential of a moving test charge is studied in quantum dusty plasmas. Data were collected via Web-based technology and by telephone. Descriptive research is used to uncover new facts and meaning of a research. Following validation rating of appropriateness of interventions and quantitative rankings of first-, second-, and third-line approaches, participants provided substantive handwritten narrative comments about listed interventions. Optical correlation in the presence of noise must be successfully demonstrated before this technology can be incorporated into system design. The child and adolescent trichotillomania impact project: descriptive psychopathology, comorbidity, functional impairment, and treatment utilization. Female students have higher empathizing traits than male students. This is a multistage probability survey of 3005 adolescents aged 12-17 years residing in Mexico City. The research presented involved using nonlinear finite element simulations correlated with photogrammetry testing to develop a procedure for defining material properties for commercially available polyurethane-coated woven nylon fabric, which is representative of coated materials that have been proven materials for use in many inflatable systems. The design, development and analysis of the 7.3MW MOD-5A wind turbine generator is documented. Dental appointments were video-recorded; five calibrated observers assessed 1,209 minutes of video recording to score the children's behavior, following the instructions of the investigated scales. In this descriptive study, we retrospectively investigated the prevalence of laxative use and its relationship with clinical characteristics in hospitalized OCD patients. Nine per cent of websites demonstrated full compliance with current guidelines on ethical advertising. Thermal Design Approach. The subjects consisted of 46 consecutive patients who participated in group cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) for panic disorder. Flexible Description Language for HPC based Processing of Remote Sense Data, Nandra, Constantin; Gorgan, Dorian; Bacu, Victor, When talking about Big Data, the most challenging aspect lays in processing them in order to gain new insight, find new patterns and gain knowledge from them. As a BigEarth platform [4] component, WorDeL represents the means by which the user interacts with the system, describing processing algorithms in terms of existing operators and workflows [5], which are ultimately translated into sets of executable commands. Ethical Design of Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: A Descriptive Review. Preparing Tomorrow's Administrators: A Quantitative Correlation Study of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership Practices, Purpose: The purpose of this quantitative correlation study was to identify whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership practices, specifically with school administrators in Southern California K-12 public schools. Shea, M. A.; Smart, D. F.; Adams, James H., Jr.; Chenette, D.; Feynman, Joan; Hamilton, Douglas C.; Heckman, G. R.; Konradi, A.; Lee, Martin A.; Nachtwey, D. S. During a workshop on the interplanetary charged particle environment held in 1987, a descriptive model of solar particles in the heliosphere was assembled. We also show that in these materials the MAE can be both proportional and negatively proportional to the orbital moment anisotropymore (OMA) of Co atoms. 110, 060402 (2013). The articles were grouped into their level of evidence, and descriptive analyses were performed. We show that a dramatic improvement can be achieved within a simple approach, in which the local field appears to be a fluctuating quantity related to the low-energy degree(s) of freedom. Copyright 2012 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. The strongest association between agoraphobic situations and safety behaviors was found between the fear of taking a bus or a train alone and moving around. 67.7% of study participants had at least one plaque in the carotid or femoral arteries. Visualization of synchronization of the uterine contraction signals: running cross-correlation and wavelet running cross-correlation methods. After optimization, the image quality can get limit diffraction. Designing a composite correlation filter based on iterative optimization of training images for distortion invariant face recognition. A description is included of the higher level language developed to describe systems as a sequence of register transfer operations. Administration format was unrelated to individuals' mind-mindedness scores. 12 CFR 390.395 - Description of business. Personalized Progressive Addition Lenses: Correlation between Performance and Design. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the development and integration of communication strategies into critical care nursing practice. Besides, doublet or triplet should be avoided to be used in infrared optical system considering possible cracking for different thermal expansion coefficients of different infrared materials. Strategies for accomplishing this goal are discussed in general and tested in. The Correlation of Multiple Intelligences for the Achievements of Secondary Students, Ahvan, Yaghoob Raissi; Pour, Hossein Zainali, The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between the multiple intelligences and the academic performance achievement levels of high school students based on Gardner's multiple intelligences theory. We conducted descriptive assessments of inappropriate mealtime behavior and compared the results to functional analyses for ten children with severe food refusal. It is a combination of 'learning by example' and the generate-and-test paradigm and is designed to provide a robust learning environment that can handle error-prone data. Picture descriptions were analyzed for total word output, percentages of content words, percentages of nouns, and percentages of pronouns out of all words, type-token ratio of all words and type-token ratio of nouns alone, mean frequency of all words and mean frequency of nouns alone, and mean word length. Chen, Hanghui; Millis, Andrew J.; Marianetti, Chris A. Ab initio calculations are used to predict that a superlattice composed of layers of LaTiO3 and LaNiO3 alternating along the [001] direction is a S=1 Mott insulator with large magnetic moments on the Ni sites, negligible moments on the Ti sites and a charge transfer gap set by the energy difference between Ni d and Ti d states, distinct from conventional Mott insulators. In quantitative research, a variable is something (an intervention technique, a pharmaceutical, a temperature, etc.) We suggest conducting mixed methods to determine further relationships between team achievements, learning style preferences, cognitive learning outcomes and group processes. Despite increasing emphasis on parental involvement in children's postoperative pain management, few studies have examined parents' management of their child's postoperative pain in Singapore. Also, three different multiplication designs are presented, and new joint spatial encodings for the TSD numbers are introduced. Scatterplot are vitally important to correlational research as they allow researchers to determine: The degree of the association The form of the association The type of association The existence of extreme scores The direction of the association. QDA data for soy sauces were accurately predicted by projection to latent structure (PLS), with metabolite profiles serving as explanatory variables and QDA data set serving as a response variable. In Study 1, involving 37 mothers of 5- to 8-year-old children, mothers' verbal mind-minded descriptions of their children were positively correlated with their mind-minded descriptions of their current romantic partner. [2007] was modified to address this possibility. This paper presents the findings of a research on the attitudes of design students toward the use of computers in design and its correlates. The objectives of this study were to determine the association between gastric reflux and aspiration using the presence of pepsin in oral or tracheal secretions as a marker of reflux or aspiration and to determine the association between the pH (range, 0-14) and the presence of pepsin in oral secretions. A gastroenterologist retrospectively reviewed the pouch endoscopic images, and a pathologist reviewed the slides; both of these investigators were blinded. Possible model implementation in FPGA chips and its management by object oriented software in Java is described. In contrast, all channels in a QCF work together to optimize the same performance metric and produce a combined output that leads to considerable simplification of the post-processing. Artwork Interactive Design System (AIDS) program description. These correlations are expected to be improved in the future when more data become available.less. The density obtained with B3LYP is closer to CCSD and CCSD(T) than to MP2 or MP4, which indicates that the B3LYP hybrid functional mimics those pair and three-electron correlation effects, which in WFT are only covered by coupled cluster methods. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables. The registers used are: the Finnish Medical Birth Register (FMBR), the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register (FHDR), the Population Central Register and the Finnish Maternity Cohort (FMC), which are linked using the unique personal identity code (PIC). The introduction includes definitions;, Model-independent description of quartet nd scattering at low energies. Not only is more processing required to detect peaks in the outputs of multiple linear filters, but choosing a winner among them is an error prone task. Nonlinear batch simulation analysis shows the control law exhibits good performance and meets most of the design guidelines over the entire range of angle-of-attack. Mean total LIDA score was 110/144 (76%) [range: 51-135; 35-94%]. This study compared the object descriptions of school-age children with high-functioning autism (HFA) with those of a matched group of typically developing children. Additionally, effect size estimates were calculated using nonoverlap of all pairs method and Tau-U. Tiwari, Anjani K; Ojha, Himanshu; Kaul, Ankur; Dutta, Anupama; Srivastava, Pooja; Shukla, Gauri; Srivastava, Rakesh; Mishra, Anil K. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging is a very useful tool in modern medical diagnostics, especially when gadolinium (III)-based contrast agents are administered to the patient with the aim of increasing the image contrast between normal and diseased tissues. Both scales were completed anonymously and voluntarily by 1.500 students (response rate 85%). Here, we present a computer simulation study that examines the implications of adopting an effective one-component structural description of a polydisperse fluid.